7. The Unintended Audition

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[ edited 2nd Dec 2015 ]

I've never been good in contact sports or anything that assured confrontation. That said, I didn't even know what I was doing now, standing in front of the studio I'd just left two hours ago.

The high and determination I'd felt when conversing with Mrs Laurent had dissipated ten minutes into the drive in the Mercedes Benz with Cain slobbering all over me.

Mrs Laurent's last words ran through my mind again, 'whatever you do, make sure it doesn't come back to haunt you. End everything with the young boy here, today.'

I nodded, thinking of the assuring smile she'd thrown at me before driving off.

'You can do this! You can do this, Alex! Just think of the lust-induced state he'd been in, enjoying himself and not for a moment thinking twice about you, his girlfriend.'

'You're in for it, James Mangy! Get ready for a world of pain!'

I pushed through the door and started making my way around the studio, hoping for a friendly face that could direct me to my prey. Anyone, anyone except for the guy from before. Anyone but him.

Footsteps echoed behind me, following me.

I pasted on a smile worthy of Sponge Bob and turned around. It died as soon as I came face to face with the guy from before.

I hadn't fully grasped it earlier. But due to my change in relationship status, I was noticing that the guy was on the wrong side of the camera. He should've been the one playing the main role.

Hard, chiseled jawline. An olive complexion that was flawless. Messy dark brown hair and stormy, grey eyes to boot. The only thing that didn't go with the whole model complex was the red bruise on his face. Realization hit me a second too late. That was from when I slapped him earlier.

"What the hell are you doing back here?" His voice would've sounded much sexier if those eight words weren't put together and coming out of his mouth.

I simply stared back at him for what felt like ages, mind going back and forth with excuses.

What could I say? I'm here to say thanks for earlier? Just passing by and thought to check in on my cheating as-of-two-hours-ago-ex?

Instead I went with the most plausible and as close to the truth as I can get, "Have you seen James around?"

He scrunched his brows together, contemplating whether to tell me or not. I arched a brow and put on a 'You won't be getting rid of me unless you tell me' look on my face.

"He's in there right now," he nodded to the room down the whole with people sitting on PVC chairs outside, "but you can't go because-"

Whatever moronic excuse he was going to relay after that was lost to me as I marched towards the room, adamant about getting this over with and booting my asshole of an ex out of my life.

"Ladyyy!!" I hastened my steps, knowingly full well who was after me.

Turning the doorknob, I ignored the protests from everyone waiting there and flung myself into the room.

"You can't be in here!" a girl about five years older than me stated as I closed the door behind me.

I ignored her, eyes searching the room for James. "Where's Mangy?" I asked her.

"Why?" From her tone I gathered that he was one of those apparent supply closet flings that he'd been having ever since he came to Hollywood.

I cringed at her. "Oh, believe me darling, you can keep his cheating ass. I just need to tell him something."

She looked me head to toe, convinced that I wasn't a threat, she nodded towards the center of the room. "But still, you're not supposed..."

I walked off, not owing her any attention. I walked towards where she'd nodded, ignoring the girl standing in the center, lights and camera aimed at her as she said some lines.

It took me five seconds to spot the dirty blonde hair that had always been my favorite color hidden beneath a Yankees hat. He was juggling a tray filled with Styrofoam Starbucks cups and a stack of color coded files.

He didn't see me until they turned on the lights and who I thought to be the director yelled, "Next!"

He's amber brown eyes widened an inch, myriads of emotions showcase instantly. Confusion, worry, anger, sadness and defeat.


I cut him off, disgusted with him calling me anything endearing. "Shut the fuck up James!" I glared at him. "You're a complete tool. Don't even try to call me that again."

He looked around him. Everyone was watching us intently, silent and taking in the scene.

I didn't give two shits about any of them. When was I going to be seeing them again after this? Never.

"You know what? I'm a fool! A complete, utter and oblivious fool. I trusted you. I actually thought that at least I could do this. Have a good relationship with another guy out of my family circle. But no, you had to go and screw with that." Tears started streaming down my face.


I raised a hand to stop him. "No, you don't get to say anything. Not until I finish." I wiped away the tears, determined to not lose anymore over him. "You know very well I was totally adamant of not stepping a foot on this demented place. You know why. You knew why I couldn't even dream of coming here. I guess that's why you thought you'd be safe here, cheating on me."

I let out a hysterical laugh. "After all, who would I know here to let me know. How would I ever find out? That's what makes this worse, James. Even though it was hard for me to come here, because of fear of running into that ass-wipe, I still did, because I... I loved you. I threw away all my inhibitions and fear to come here."

James face was deserving of an Emmy, because he actually looked like he was sorry and that he wanted to comfort me.

"You know what, I'm also glad this happened. At least now I can spend my time not wasting it on the likes of you. Oh and .... Screw you! And Hollywood for all I care. All you care about is money and who's shacking up with who. I mean, come on people, there are more important things to report on." I cleared my throat and walked up to James.


I landed a slap right on his right cheek. "Don't even say my name, ever again! We're done James. Now you're free to shack up with any low class slut you want to."

I turned around and left the room, walking past the guy from earlier, whose eyes were permanently wide and a smirk on his face.

I returned his smile, exiting the room.

The sound of applause from the other side confusing me even as I exited the building.


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email : lqkaloucava@gmail.com

Rushed (Hate at First Flight #1) ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang