17. Julian Van Dyke and I'm Dead

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[ edited 6 Dec 2015 ]

"So you're the new maid, eh?" Sir Jerks-A-Lot's voice filled the room.

"Uh...y-yes sir, I am," I replied, nervous, voice shaking. "Mrs Clarke hired me three days ago."

If you're wondering what the hell I'm doing being Sir Jerks-A-Lot's maid, then that makes two of us. And if you're thinking that I'm actually scared of him, then think again.

I wasn't his maid, and never will I ever be scared of him.

Then why am I saying those words? you may ask.

I wasn't saying them.

Ashleigh Bishop was. And she was saying those words to Ethan Clarke, aka Dylan Rush for the next hour.

It's been four days since my last encounter with Mr I'll-Pay-You-To-Get-Out-Of-My-Life. Since then, I'd officially informed the director I was on board with the whole movie and that I needed an acting class desperately if he wanted his leading lady to not mess up the entire film.

It's a wonder what Hollywood can accomplish.

As soon as I'd done that, he'd enlisted the help of Amelia, one of the two top contenders for my role, to help me. I'd thought that she would hold a grudge over me for getting the role instead of her, but she was as sweet as a peach. Thanks to her five lessons to help me learn the basics, I was ready for today.

Monday, the day where the main characters, me and Dylan's ran through lines in front of the entire cast and production team. Tomorrow was when we starting the shoot. As if that wasn't pressure enough, Tyler just happened to be here as well.

He wasn't overly fond of me, that much I can tell. But then again, I couldn't really blame him. Our first few encounters wouldn't have really won him over. I'd slapped him, insulted him, dragged him into my drama of a love life and made everyone in his family believe I was dating his cousin. The last one of course wasn't my fault.

But there he was, standing in the corner watching me and his cousin run lines.

"Mrs Clarke?" Dylan continued, alias Ethan Clarke. "My mother, you mean?" He arched a brow.

I nodded unsurely, maintaining to avoid his eyes as the script deemed.

"My mother is too nice for her own good, Ms... Bishop, was it?" Dylan walked towards me, cautiously as if he was a lion stalking his prey. His prey being me... I mean, Ashleigh. "And being too nice for her own good, she tends to see the good in others where there lies none."

"Pardon sir?" I asked unsurely. "I do not follow."

"Figures," he scoffed. "You surely must have dropped out of high school."

I felt hatred for him rush through me. For both of them. Dylan and Ethan,if that made sense.

Arrogant, pompous, spoilt jackass!

Rushed (Hate at First Flight #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now