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Standing means getting tired
Sitting in the car could be rude
Sitting on the ground would be dirty
And definitely awkward
So I stand

But my feet start to hurt a little
The blood is rushing from my head
My attention is fleeting, running away
Down with the blood flow
Gone for good.

Did you say something?
I was thinking about your face
I was thinking about your face in my hands
Your face in my hands when we were standing
When we were standing by your car in the parking lot
The parking lot of a Burlington because we took a wrong turn

I missed what you said again
Something about the rain, and how it glistens
Off of your car, like the reflection of the sky in your eyes
What can I see in there? Can I see your truth? Can I tell if you're lying?
You wouldn't lie to me, right? You have no reason to, right? Tell me I'm right.

I can never say these things out loud
Imagine the things that would do to me, to you, to us!
Is there an us? What are we doing, standing by your car
In the parking lot of a Burlington because we took a wrong turn?

Did you take a wrong turn in my direction?
Is this all some false sense of affection?
You said you've never dated before
But you also said you've talked to other girls.
Were they pretty? Did you want to date them? What stopped you? Why
are you with me? Are you with me? Am I with you? How can I possibly
explain everything that is going on in my head without making you disappear?

You took my hand when
yours began to shake.
For a split second,
the voice inside
was finally silent.
One word floated
to my conscious:

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