I've Gotta Warn Him...I Bite *Wave 4*

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"Mother stop it!" She had been racking my hair with a so called brush for an hour. There turned out to be a feast tonight.

"I can't stop you must look presentable!" Really Mother? "How do these knots get in here?" She ranked one last time and it felt like she ripped out an entire chunk of hair! "OWCH!" I screamed. "This'll have to do." She sighed. "Here, put this on and come out when you're done." She tossed me a violet bra that strapped around in the back and didn't come over my shoulders or neck. I was never allowed to wear these other than important occasions.

Mother hated my shell necklace that I had made when I was a gup. And since she didn't tell me otherwise, I kept it on. That ought to piss her off. I came out and Mother and Father gasped and were close to tears. It wasn't like I rarely looked like this.

"You look beautiful!" Mother squealed. Brielle laughed and waved her hands in the air. Father cleared his throat and looked me up and down. "I appreciate you for looking nice for once." Hates me. "Oh Father." I rolled my eyes to myself. We headed to the Queen's palace. There was a low symphony playing in the background. "Aayla, take off the necklace." Mother ordered. I looked straight at her as I unhooked the back and shoved it in my bra. Mother rolled her eyes, annoyed of course. Ha-ha.

Queen Seleena sat on her chair. Her head held high. As usual. Her blond hair in a tight fish tail braid resting on her right shoulder. As usual. And her green bra, decorated with gems from throughout the sea, strapless, sparkling from the new moonlight that came from above. Does she ever wash that thing? A guard handed her her throne and placed the giant gold tiara on her head. The first big part of cerimonial nights. 

But what wasn't was him whispering in her ear. Seleena looked concerned and stood from her chair.

"Welcome, welcome!" She chimed.

"I hope you all have a wonderful time here tonight. I know you are all very excited for the feast, but sadly, we are running a tiny bit behind schedule. Please don't worry, stay, the corps' will be out soon."

The Queen never runs behind schedule.

She looked around at her people. We made eye contact. Then she went through a pair of doors quite quickly. Oh crap she knows. I looked at the end of my tail. "Aayla, are you okay?" Mother asked me. I looked at her with as little expression on my face as possible. "I guess. Mind if I go and get something from home? I wont be long." This was the perfect time to check for Lance. We eat when the wolves howl for the first time of the night at the Queen's palace.

Mother stared at me. Not breaking eye contact. Holding me in place with nothing but a stare. "Hurry. The Queen never said how long it may be, and you must be here when we start."I will. Don't worry." Yes! I hugged her and almost sped out of the castle. As soon as I was out, I swam as fast as I could to the surface. My head poked out and I looked at the hill where we kissed.

Turning around to make sure no one was following me, I swam up to the shore. Shifting as I stepped onto the beach. Already used to my legs, I walked faster and faster to to the woods. Suddenly I was running through the darkness, desperate to reach the hill. The moon hid behind many clouds, but I didn't want to doubt at all. Branches smacked my face. That only made me run faster. Wind was blowing through my hair, it felt sweet. Cool on my warm scalp.


Yes. I thought. He's here. That's his howl!

I reached the hill at the exact moment his call ended. I found him sitting on the edge, feet dangling off the end. I just now realized that this wasn't a hill, but a small cliff about twenty feet of the ground. The moon was starting to come out from hiding. Lance sat with his back to me, unaware of my presence. I stepped out from the trees. He turned. I saw his beautiful face and lustful eyes. He wasn't dressed. At all. Though the only thing I was wearing was my shell bra. Lance stood.

"Aayla." He said as he began towards me.

"Lance." We both slowly walked to each other. Once about two inches apart, he stopped. I stared deep into his eyes. It was like a trance. Every detail of him pulling me closer.

"I thought you were just a dream." He spoke softly now.

"There's something we have in common." I whispered. "But I'm real, and so are you."

He smiled. A soft, low chuckle came from his lips. His lips. It was taking everything in me not to kiss him right then and there. Lance wrapped his arms around my lower waist. His fingers drawing designs on my lower back. My arms were around his neck now. Our foreheads touching. He finally kissed me. It started out slow and deepened within the second. Our bodies grew closer and closer together as we backed into a tree. "I thought about you all day." He whispered. I giggled. I played with his thick wavy hair as his hands swooped up and down my legs.

"Damn." He said. "You really know how to kiss." That made me even more exited. "You're not so bad yourself ." I replied. I could feel Lance smile through the kiss. Absolutely nothing can tare us apart.

"Oh ya! Ha-ha-ha! Beta's found himself a mate!" His pack came out of no where and we slowly came apart. Except that.

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