Chapter 8

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    Well you know what happens afterward. I told her about the food and the cab I summoned, and then I left. A villain needed his sleep. I was on my way to Fenros City when cop cars came flying by me, lights and sirens blaring.

    "Now who could be committing crimes in my city?" I said aloud. I saw a late cop car about to come by, and I jumped on the roof of the car and clung onto the car's rack of lights. Whose car was I on? I looked over at the side, and saw Fenros City Sheriff. How fun, I get to hitch a ride with a head poncho. Now where are we going?

    "We are headed down 10th street... passed Maine... we are headed to... The Albright Chemical Plant. Some sort of hold up going on I guess... A good ol' hold up... Those are the days..." I thought to myself with a smile, and the car screeched to a halt. Before anyone could see me, I jumped off and hid behind the other parked cop cars.

    "Tell me what is going on," the sheriff said, stepping out of his cruiser.

    "Well, it's a holdup by that new group of villains, The Conglomerates," an officer said.

    "Ahh the Conglomerates. Made up of The Conductor, Professor Nuke, and The Bloody Titan. Good villains apart, even better together. I'd leave them be, but this is my city to torment and steal from," I thought to myself.

    "What do they want?" the sheriff asked.

    "Some chemicals. Here is a list of them," the cop said.

    "Hydrogen Fluoride... Ethylene Glycol... Dioxin... Batrachotoxin... Very dangerous chemicals," the sheriff said.

    "Yea no dip Sherlock. What the fuck are these guys planning? This shit could kill a lot of people. Looks like I'm going to have a talk with them," I thought. I then scoured the building, looking it over and determining dimensions, entrances, and escape routes. Can never be too safe with this gang of villains. I then found the nearest entrance that was out of sight of the cops, and broke into it. I slunk around, sticking to the shadows per usual. I climbed about, until I could hear the voices of the three villains.

    "The cops are here! Professor do you have an escape plan?" I heard the Conductor say.

    "Why of course I do. I wouldn't want our pathetic crew to spend any more time behind bars than we already have," Professor Nuke said.

    "I hope your contact pays us as smartly as you said he would," The Bloody Titan said.

    "Don't worry boys, we'll be paid, we will be paid," Nuke said.

    "We better be paid, or you are taking the fall for this," Conductor said.

    "So this isn't for them? They don't want the chemicals? How weird... Then who could want these chemicals? This could be a plot for the history books," I thought, and then walked into the room.

    "I think we have a guest boys," The Conductor said, and the three of them turned toward me.

    "Why hello my friends! I didn't get a notification about joining this team of villains! Come on guys, four is better than three! I need to make money too!" I said, spreading out my arms and greeting them.

    "Knifeslinger. What a surprise. Why don't you stay out of this? We get more money with three of us rather than four," Nuke said.

    "Anyway, rumor on the street is that you have grown soft. No maniacal plans on taking over the world, no threats of mass genocide if you don't get what you want. You are no longer the worst villain out there," The Conductor said.

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