Chapter 14

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    Samael Orpheus Sable. He was my next target. After a brief conversation with Mrs. Ambrosone, who didn't give me any information that was relatively helpful (something about my record not allowing me to be on student council or how there were already too many students on the council (my initial idea was to infiltrate the student council)), I decided to steal the information, just for the time being anyway. You see most of the schools these days have all the information about their students online. I have some pretty good computer skills, but nothing to hack into the school database. Luckily for me, some schools have a paper trail to back them up just in case something were to happen to their online data. When I talked to the superintendent back when I was enrolling myself, he practically bragged about the school's backup system.

    During my lunch period I slunk around, and I found the file room. I made sure I didn't look suspicious (I drank some water from a water fountain, I tied my shoe, I talked to a teacher that was passing by, etc.), and while doing so I logged how many camera's there were, their view of the surrounding in degrees, relative amount of floor area in feet, and possible entrances such as vents. After I made sure I had enough information, I went back to lunch and drew a mental map of that section of the school. I made sure to show the view of the cameras, and found the blind spots and also where the cameras overlapped. I found a blind spot by a vent that would be a good spot to enter, but it would be a very tight fit. Not to mention it might get very hot. I could handle the heat though; I've gotten worse burns. Of course, I could try and go into a vent inside the file room, but the room was temperature controlled (I don't know why, I guess you would want your paper files to be in a safe temperature? Can't have it be too humid.), meaning the room didn't use the same ventilation system.

    I stayed afterschool hiding in one of the only places without a camera, the bathroom, for quite a while. I had to avoid the janitor once or twice, but after a few hours, the school was finally empty. I then opened up a vent, wiggled myself in, and started crawling. I was glad I wasn't claustrophobic, because it was a pretty tight fit and I would get stuck at times. After crawling around for an hour or two (I took a few wrong turns) I ended up at the vent spot. I was glad I had loosened the screws earlier (when I 'tied my shoes'), because there was no way the vent could have come off easily from this side. I slid the vent quietly off the wall, and crawled out. Making sure I was in the blind spots, I traversed from spot to spot. I then used a laser pointer, and set it up to point at the camera that was focused on the door. The laser would blot out the sight of the camera for as long as I needed it to, giving me a chance to lockpick the door. I opened the door and walked in. There were at least twenty-six filing cabinets, each with a letter A through Z. This may take a while. Another thing that was lucky for me was that there were certain stamps on the student's folders. One stamp corresponded to the honor society, one to sports clubs, another for theatre, and one for student council, which helped make my search go faster. After about an hour or so of searching, I finally found Mr. S.O.S.'s file. 

    He had a flawless record with no inquiries other than standing up against bullies; even then he reported it first and only defensively fought; he was part of multiple sports, on honor roll for most of his life, and was in the student council and honor society. The big kicker was that he was the president of both. If there was to be any guy I would think was Helix Double, this guy was it. I used my phone to take a few pictures of his files, then put it back where I found it. Afterwards, I did everything I did to get into the room but practically backward, taking my laser pointer back, going in the blind spots, crawling in the vent backwards, and placing the vent back over the cover. I went back to the restroom but didn't get out, I just replaced the vent cover there also. I then climbed around for a bit till I found an exhaust vent that led to the roof, and shimmied my way up until I was on the roof of the school. Then I just went to a nice nook where the roof overlapped, set an alarm on my phone, and used some rope to tie myself to the gas exhaust pipe so I wouldn't fall off the roof. I didn't really feel like going all the way home, so I would just sleep here on the roof. It wasn't my first time sleeping on a roof and it probably wouldn't be my last time. After making sure I was completely safe from falling or being found easily (hence the spot I was in, the roof overlap provides protection from the weather above and from sight below.), I fell asleep.

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