Chapter 5

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-Womanizer or Gay

Diana Thomas's POV

I feel nervous suddenly. He is sitting on the large conference table in front of and there is one feet distance between us. I start counting my chances of escape.

1. The ground beneath me suddenly opens up and pulls me down.

2. Wishing that I still have the Menu card to cover my face.

3. Pray to God and just run like a Rabbit.

The first two options don't really seem to be happening. So, can only just try the third one. I look at the door and then at him. He is staring at me intently waiting for me to answer. I lock eyes with him for a milli second in the process and there goes my heart again.

Would you please stop beating so loudly? I am afraid he can hear it!

I clear my throat and look around the room trying to come up with some excuse that sounds realistic and believable. But my mind is only thinking about how good he smells and in a minute I feel my mind and body relaxing. There is something about him, that's... that's soothing. It is strange, considering we have only met three times.

Why does he make me feel like this? Nervous one minute and totally calm the other.

Anyway, why should I come up with an excuse? He is the one who said that he doesn't want to see my face. I am just following the Big Boss's instructions. He can't blame me for doing that! Yes, Diana! Just tell him that!

I muster up my courage and look at him. He is staring directly into my eyes. I don't know if it's just me feeling that way, but his gaze is so intense. And just like that I forgot what I wanted to say. It's like there are only two of us in the world. His raises his hand and gently places it on my left cheek. His fingertips touch my ear.

Oh God! Why does this feel so good?!

I get carried away by his touch until his husky voice broke the spell.

"You got a pimple." He speaks in a low tone and I feel embarrassed."You didn't have it before."

How does he know that?

He is keen at observing things, I must give him that He remembers that I didn't have a pimple last time we met and he acknowledges it now. It makes feel both embarrassed and giddy inside that he is paying interest in me.

Oh please! Snap out of it, Diana! It's just a mere observation and you should be embarrassed about it instead of feeling ecstatic!

I come out of my thoughts when I feel his hand going to the back of my ear and caressing the dark scar that's behind my ear. I quickly pull away from his touch and adjust my hair to cover the scar. He drew his hand back and put it in him pocket.

"Um... It... It was from an accident."

He doesn't say anything, but just looks away pressing his lips together before looking back at me. "So, what's all that hiding about?" He asks again and I know there is no escape. I can see that he is teasing me. I can't let him win this time. First of all, he is the one who says that he doesn't want to see my face and when I am following his orders he has a problem with it. Come on, Diana! You can do this! I bravely look up at him.

"I am simply following your instructions, Mr. Vincento. You told me to not show my face till you asked me to do so and I am just doing that."

"Right. By hiding yourself using a menu card." He is definitely teasing me now. Stay strong, Diana!

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