Chapter 14: Movie Time (Iida & Overhaul)

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A/n: I finished 707's, Jumin's, Yoosung's, and Jaehee's routes now. So Zen is next ahah. I am addicted to Mystic Messenger, and slowed songs. They just kinda hit different yk. Also I took some inspiration from the Fanfic Glitch for the meeting between you and Overhaul. Welp, moving on...

After hearing that some of your students were in the hospital. You quickly got ready, you wanted to visit them to make sure they aren't severely injured. You also wanted to see if you could help in any way.

You ate your banana, with precision and passion. Savoring the flavor, the look. And carefully discarding the peel in a nearby trash can.

You then hopped onto the train and proceeded on your way to the hospital. You began to think about your quirk,

'Ya know if I really tried...I could make infinite bananas. Maybe I should, I mean it wouldn't hurt to try.' You contemplated.

Your thoughts were interrupted when a stranger began talking to you.

"Hey, what's a pretty lady like you doing here?"

"Oh, I'm on my way to work." You lied, giving the man a polite smile.

"Oh yeah, what to do you do?" He asked coming closer.

"I'm a mortician. You know dead people and stuff. It's actually really satisfying cutting open their cold, pale stomachs with my scalpel, then digging out their intestines. The best part though is removing their brains. First you-" you rambled, then stopped.

Looking up you noticed the man left.

'Whew, good thing I didn't have to use the spray.' You said to yourself holding a small spray bottle labeled 'Horny Begone: Minor Irritation', a gift from your mother. She also gave you another one labeled 'Horny Begone: Extreme Irritation' which you were pretty sure was just hot sauce.

As your stop came, you got off of the train and headed to the hospital. After talking with the nurse at the front desk she gave you the location of where the trouble making boys were.

You opened the door, immediately the boys looked at you confused as to why you were there. Though one of them seemed embarrassed of your arrival, probably because he knew you were going to scold him, again.

"Oh my gosh! Are you guys okay? In any pain?" You said walking to each of their beds and examining their injuries.

"W-we're fine now." The greenette spoke up.

You then walked up to him and lightly flicked his forehead.

"Didn't I tell you to be more careful."

He rubbed his forehead, "Y-yeah", he then looked away dejectedly.

You gave him a light hug, then pulled away and stuck your pinky out.

"Promise me you'll be more careful."

He looked at your hand and then wrapped his pinky around yours.

"Promise." He said softly.

You then turned around.

"That doesn't mean I'll let you guys off the hook."

"(L/n)-senpai, is there anything we can do?" Iida spoke up with his signature polite yet stern tone.

"Hmm..." you tapped your chin, "well hang out with me. I'll judge whether or not you're truly sorry then". You told the boys.

"I'm afraid we can't leave yet." Todoroki said.

You turned to him, "That's fine we can hangout here. Why don't we just watch a movie?"

"Where would we do that?"

You looked around and spotted a tv at the end of the room, then saw the abundance of empty beds.

"We'll put these beds together and watch a movie on the tv. Oh! And I can try to make some fruit."

You pushed the beds together, moved the pillows and called the boys over to watch a movie, you guys ended up watching Good Burger (favorite movie btw). As the movie progressed you grabbed a blanket and laid it on everyone.

You tried to make fruit which was successful. You made the boys oranges. Unfortunately, the oranges were bitter and tasted more like lemons. Resulting in many sour faces.

You tried again and were more successful. The oranges tasted better, as the movie came to an end, Iida was asleep on your shoulder, Todoroki was dozing off and Izuku was the only one other than you fully awake. You gently shook Iida and lead him back to bed. Izuku did the same for Todoroki, he then offered to help you clean up which you denied.
You only had to move two beds back and wanted the boys to get rest.

You then said your goodbyes and went home. As you walked the sky slowly turned to night. Which left you walking alone in the dark.

You continued walking along the street until you were pushed into an alleyway. You landed roughly onto the pavement.

'What's up these strangers today.' You quickly grabbed your 'Horny Begone: Extreme Irritation' but you were stopped by one of the men. His quirk was a simple lengthening quirk. He used his elongated hand the smack the bottle out of your (not elongated) hand.

You tried to use your quirk to calm them down, wanting to knock them unconscious. But with the use of your quirk earlier in the day your attempts were useless.

The other man had a knife, you were still unsure of his quirk.

The men then started attacking you. You kicked, hit and bit, it slowed them down but they continued. You began to tire, then one of them cut your leg and threw you to the floor. You tried to back away but they advanced.

Before they could touch you, they exploded. Blood flew everywhere, with some landing on your face. You stared in shock, of what just happened. Then a man spoke up,

"How disgusting."

The man said putting on a pair of gloves, he was tall and had dark hair. He was wearing a mask resembling that of a plague doctor. He looked to you,

"Why didn't you use your quirk?"

You remained on the floor, "It's a healing quirk, its u-useless for combat." You said cursing your stutter.

He raised his brow then approached you. You backed away from him afraid of what he'd do. He then handed you a slip of paper.

"If you're ever looking for work, I'd be happy to take you in." He said as he walked away.

You began to get up stunned at everything that happened, as soon as you got home you took off your blood soaked shirt and took a shower. As you let the water run over you, you couldn't help but think about that mans quirk.

It was terrifying. You didn't want to be next. The image of the men exploding, the sight and smell of all the blood was something that refused to leave your mind.

You put some bandages around your leg and slipped your pjs on. You proceeded to lay in bed, tossing and turning, finding it hard to sleep. Luckily after putting on a movie you drifted off, attempting to forget about your bloody encounter.

A/n: Do y'all have anyone you want to be a love interest? I'm curious. Please ignore the time I posted this chapter I'm disappointed too. After rereading the chapter I realized I forgot she got injured, it's fixed now. Have a good night/day everyone! 🐌

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