Chapter 21: Pool Shenanigans

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A/n: hey guys thank you so much for reading! Like I- 🥺 also I forgot when the pool episode happened so I'm just taking a jab lol, so bare with me and let's continue.

You woke up still trying to process what happened last night. You really forgave him.

'Thank god I don't have work today.'

Then you remembered you told Mina you'd go swimming with the girls. You texted her asking if you guys were still going swimming. She confirmed you were and asked for your measurements.

'My measurements?'

You texted asking why. She answered saying Mineta would be there so they were gonna wear the school bathing suits.

You nodded in understanding and sent her your measurements. You then took a shower and got ready putting your hair in a ponytail and making yourself food. You packed a back pack with extra clothes and a towel, as well as a bottle of water.

3rd Person POV~
A notification went off in the Class 1-A groupchat. It was a message sent by Ochaco that read, "We just got confirmation that (Y/n) is coming!"

Many of the students did a double take, while others couldn't help but become flustered at the news. I mean someone they like- I mean respect is gonna be there. Yeah respect... a lot.

(Y/n) POV~
You then made your way to the school pool and were greeted with an excited Mina.

"We have your bathing suit!" She exclaimed.

"You didn't have to but, thanks." You smiled as Momo handed you the suit.

You quickly got changed and gave the girls a mini runway strut.

"Damn!" Mina said fanning herself.

"Hot mama!" Hagakure added on.

You laughed then saw that the boys had come in. You waved at them. Mina advised that everyone should stretch first which you agreed. It had been a while since you stretched.

You used to stretch everyday but ever since getting a different job there hasn't been much time. Being that you were in dance before you had become pretty flexible and were used to stretching often.

Not long after Mina suggested stretching Mineta and Denki came running. Mina said hi along with you. The disappointment on Mineta's face was one of the most satisfying things you had seen in a while.

"Should we stretch our legs?" Jiro asked.

You nodded and the girls all stretched their legs. Some of the students noticed you were on the flexible side and in turn some got flustered...with their thoughts.

You then stood up and picked your wedgie while the boys were looking away <3. Some of the girls then jumped into the water and you followed.

Momo ever so graciously made you guys a volleyball and you began playing pool volleyball. You noticed the boys seemed slightly upset at how you guys were playing and they couldn't. So when the volleyball came to you, you bumped it to Denki. He got up and bumped it back to you.

"We're here to exercise not play around." Iida said chopping the air.

You bumped the ball then to Iida, "You'll still be exercising. Plus this way is more fun."

"The more the merrier!" Mina replied.

Iida then bumped ball back to you, "Alright then. But just know I won't take it easy on you guys."

"YEAH!" The blonde explosive gremlin agreed, a little too excited to take part in a competitive game.

You smiled. The battle between sexes then began with the girls playing in the pool and the boys not. The goal was to make it so that the other team would drop the ball.

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After about 30 minutes, the teams were at a tie, with neither giving up. Then you noticed that Tsu hit the ball a little too high. Making it so the boys had an advantage. Seeing where the ball was headed, you noticed Bakugo was about to hit it. So what did you do? Something you maybe shouldn't have.

You grabbed Bakugos ankle and pulled him into the pool.

The ball collided with the ground meaning the girls won. Realizing what you did, you tried to swim away.

"Oh crap-"

"I'm gonna, KILL YOU." The angry boi intervened. Jumping onto your fleeing self.

He pulled the both of you underwater. Opening your eyes you saw his angry face and put your hand in the shape of an L on your forehead, then quickly swam away.

You rushed out of the water and hid behind a confused Kirishima.

Bakugo emerged from the water still visibly angry.

"Kirishima! I choose you!" You said pushing Kirishima into Bakugo.

You then backed up but this time someone was in your way. You turned around to see an annoyed (and now slightly wet, good job (y/n)) Aizawa.

"Times up. Go home." Aizawa tiredly stated, looking down at his now wet pants.

A collective disappointed sigh was heard from the class. Then Mina walked up to you,

"Hey (Y/n), wanna join us? We're going to Momo's now so we can hangout."

You thought about it then remembered how you didn't visit Eri a couple days ago. "Actually I have an errand I have to run. But thanks for the invitation." You told Mina.

"Aww, well then go ahead. And we'll hangout for sure some other time."

You nodded and waved everyone good bye.

When you got home you took a quick shower then headed over to Overhauls residence. Dressed in jeans and your favorite sweatshirt.

You were met with a surprised Overhaul upon your arrival.

"You didn't say you were coming." Overhaul said waving you in.

"I know, but I felt bad that I wasn't here a couple days ago."

He looked at your hair, "Why's your hair wet? Was it raining?" Then preceded to scan over your entire form.

You furrowed your eyebrows, at him obviously checking you out. "No, I just took a shower." You giggled.

"What's funny?"

You shook you head, "Nothing."

You entered Eri's room and were immediately engulfed in a hug.

"Why weren't you here?" Eri asked.

"I was feeling sick but I'm all better now." You said rubbing Eri's back.

You then sat her down and began brushing through her hair. After you brushed it you gave her a fishtail braid. You showed her and she loved it.

"Can I do yours?" She asked.

"Of course!" You happily said, then sat on the floor.

You could feel her playing in your hair.

"I don't know how you did that." She sighed.

You laughed, "It's okay just try your best."

She continued to play in your hair until,

"Done!" She exclaimed.

You looked at your hair and were met with a simple twist.

"It's never looked better." You said with your hand over your mouth.

Eri laughed then yawned. You laid her down and put her blankets over her. Petting her head you gave a quick peck much like you did last time to protect her. You left when you heard her soft snores.

"Why the change in style?" Overhaul questioned as you closed Eri's door.

"I just threw something on." You replied with a smile, remembering his little tantrum last time.

"It's looks good. You can see your form better." He said his head tilted slightly.

"Thank you." You responded with a close-eyed smile.

"Have a good night Overhaul." You waved walking past him.

3rd Person POV~
Overhaul shamelessly watched as (y/n) walked away. (Y/n) though was well aware of his wandering eyes but shook it off.

She went home then finally laid down. She stayed awake wondering whether or not he'd be back. Which got her thinking...

"He never told me his name."

A/n: hope y'all enjoyed. Also are you guys as excited as I am for the camp arc cuz like I'm so ready. 🐌

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