Part I

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"Officer Nathaniel Blair, Lieutenant Halden Crowe." The captain introduces, gesturing across the hospital ward.

Nathaniel's transfer to the Earth Federation's lunar station had been sudden, but they've spent the last week familiarising themself with the station and its operations. Today was to be the last of their orientation — meeting the lieutenant they would be training with.

"Pleasure to meet you, sir." Nathaniel salutes.

The lieutenant in question is sitting in a bed across the room, his arm in a bulky cast and bandages plastered over the rest of his body

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The lieutenant in question is sitting in a bed across the room, his arm in a bulky cast and bandages plastered over the rest of his body. Nathaniel had been briefed on his situation, but they hadn't really known what to expect.

"Hi, officer." Hal offers with a small, easy smile.

Nathaniel isn't sure what to make of this

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Nathaniel isn't sure what to make of this. They lower their salute slowly.

"How...are you, sir?"

"Oh I'm fine, y'know—" Hal shrugs (or what Nathaniel surmises to be his attempt at one), before turning his face slowly to the cast. "Except this."

Nathaniel winces.

"I'm sorry, sir—"

"Don't apologize. You didn't do this to me." Hal sighs, turning to look at the window. Outside the lunar space station, the sky was black space. Nathaniel wonders if he was thinking about his battle with the Cerion. The report doesn't state much of the details, so all they know is that the cockpit of his machine was nearly breached and his arm was injured when he was recovered.

"Can they give me more morphine? I'm so...ugh."

"For the last time, the medical officer has advised against it." The captain answers firmly.

"So I suffer." Hal's face screws up. Then he turns to Nathaniel. "Nathaniel, right?"

"Um—" Nathaniel blinks, a little horrified because the captain is right there. What happened to formalities? "Yes?"

"You'll be under my command, right?" Hal presses.

"I think so?" Nathaniel answers weakly. At this point, they're not even sure of anything anymore.

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