Part II

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"Deimos standby for take off. Transfer to launch deck A."

Nathaniel closes their eyes, exhaling slowly through their mouth

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Nathaniel closes their eyes, exhaling slowly through their mouth. There's a beat of silence after the final alarm goes out, then a heavy clunk follows as the combat unit is lowered into the launch deck.

"Launch deck ready."

The hatch opens, unfolding into a runway. Nathaniel curls their fingers around the throttle.

"Nathaniel Blair, Deimos. Launching!"

Nathaniel pushes the throttle and Deimos soars forward, sailing across the launch deck into black space.

The Cerion stronghold is a strategic space station located on the seventh moon of Ares. It had supported the battle at earth's moon several years ago, and continues to pose the threat of an assault on Earth.

Nathaniel gathers with the support team, following their assigned position. A signal to surrender is given — and promptly ignored. The assault team moves in. Rounds are fired, tearing at the base. Then, as the team advances further, the base crumbles.

It was a trap.

The team yells over the line — systems damaged, voices breaking up. Command calls for a change in attack. At that moment the Cerion appear, emerging in their combat mecha units. In a flash, it becomes a battlefield.

"Officer, back me up!" Someone calls over the comms.

"Yes, sir!"

Nathaniel locks in on their comrade's position. They're facing off against an enemy unit, struggling with a difference in power. Their team was full of weaker support units. At this rate, they'd be easy-picking for the Cerion. Nathaniel takes aim, firing a few quick shots. While the shots do little damage at their distance, it draws the enemy's attention enough for them to ease up, letting their comrade slip away.

It's clearly one of their stronger combat units. Deimos runs a quick scan, looking through their database to identify the unit.

A name comes up — Lachesis.

"Shit, officer look out!"

Nathaniel realises Lachesis had turned away from their comrade and was heading towards them. They had just enough time to throw Deimos out of the way of a critical hit, letting Lachesis graze their armour instead.

Nathaniel turns around, ready to fire a retaliating shot but she was — gone.

And then they're hit by a rain of gunfire.

"Ugh! Come on Deimos, where is she?" Nathaniel grunts, trying to reorientate themself in the mess. The systems' automatic sensors couldn't keep up with her, and she kept moving out of their line of sight. It was impossible—

No, not for Deimos. Nathaniel tries to calm down. They're taking fire, but it won't pierce their armour that quickly. Lachesis is keeping a distance, but if she charges in...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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