Chapter five

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His grin doesn't falter, he stares at me menacingly. I match his gaze with a glare. Not breaking eye contact. This is a battle I will not lose.

I am superior here.

"Zane." I grit through my teeth. He grabs the bars with both hands, as if he can pry them open with his own strength. His knuckles are white from his firm grip.

Dark strands of his hair hand down in his face, past his eyebrows.

"I've been so excited.." He continues, "to make your lovely acquaintance." He leans his head so it presses against the cold metal bars. "And I want to say," His eyes drop to my feet then make a slow way up my body.

His eyes meet mine once again. "You are ravishing." He shoots me an evil toothy grin.

His eyes are Brown. So dark brown they look black in the dim glow of the cage he is in.

"I wish I could say the same," I scoff as I take a step closer to him, raising my chin. "However, prison rat isn't a good look on you." I lace my words with venom.

He is intimidating, yes, but I am in charge here. This is my prison.

He simply chuckles at my words. Is he not scared of what I could do to him in here?

"Watch your tongue, Cap, I could break out of here at any given moment." He sighs as he lets go of the bars and falls back onto his bed.

"Oh believe me, I'd like to see you try." I roll my eyes. Does he really thing he's still that strong? His strength has diminished since his brother became alpha. "Without your little alpha strength, you're nothing but a weak little wolf." I laugh.

A low growl erupts form the back of his throat and he is on his feet in a second.

"My alpha strength was gone when I killed the man who used to be in your position." His eyes glare daggers my way. I'm taken back by his remark. Is he really bringing Aiden into this?

"You're going to die in here, Zane!" I yell through the bars. Tears beg to pour out of my eyes.

"Uh oh, I hit a soft spot." He brings his arms up to his face with fake shock. Plastic sympathy covers his face.

"Was he your little boyfriend?" He tilts his head, excitement dancing in his eyes as if he just won a prize.

I shake my head no. He is not going to know my weak spot.

"Just know, alpha," I take a deep breath. "I am going to avenge every innocent wolf you killed."

He drops his hands, stepping to press his body against the bars again, close to me. An attempt of intimidation.

"You are going to suffer here." I bark at him.

He bends down so he is eye level with me. His brown eyes turn black. I want to cower away from his gaze, but I refuse to give in.

"Try me." He grits through his teeth.

I turn away and storm down the hallway.

He will see what I am capable of. Just wait, Zane.


I walk down the stairs to the mess hall. It is lunch time for the inmates. They all fall into a single file line.

The lunch line.

The mess hall is just a simple cafeteria on level one. There is one line, one meal for them to eat. Today they get a mystery casserole with a side of wilted green beans and a corn bread muffin.

Love's RevengeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora