Chapter thirty six

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"Are you bloody insane?" Cole shouts out, running his fingers through his golden brown hair.

I blink once, looking around me.

"Do you realize what you've done?" He questions me, a crazy look is swirling in his angry eyes. 

"Wait, how did I get here?" I furrow my eyebrows, staring back at the strange Fate.

We are in a sort of living room. I am seated on a plumb couch with white pillows. Underneath my bare feet is a white plush rug. I see hardwood flooring and massive windows. Sunlight freely enters the living room, warming my skin. Cole stands in front of me, peering down to me with soft blue eyes. 

He gestures his hands out in annoyance, widening his eyes. His expression makes me feel like he thinks I should catch on by now or something. 

He lets out a deep sigh through his nose, calming himself. 

His words are restrained, soft but deeply frustrated. 

"You are not actually here. I brought your soul here, but your body remains sleeping." He explains as clearly as he can, stepping closer to me.

I bring my hands up, examining them closely. I feel the sunlight from the windows. My skin looks so real. I consider pinching myself in case that would wake me from this dream.

"But that is besides the point, darling." He speaks again, pulling my gaze back onto him.

"You're mad." I breathe out, rubbing my bare legs with my palms. 

"Yes, Heidi, I'm frustrated. I'm frustrated because you do not understand the lengths I had went to in order to ensure your escape."

I fold my arms over my chest, keeping my expression as emotionless as possible.

"Then enlighten me."

He places his palms together, holding his pointer fingers to his lips for a second as he thinks. He finally rubs his hands together and lets out another sigh. 

"To change somebody's fate, especially someone like you who has already had their fate tampered with, there needs to be a balance. The people you met once your fate was changed caused you to miss making connections with other people. Since the whole planet is connected, you were not able to impact certain people. So it was my job to sacrifice a few souls to make up for the missing link." He blankly explains, furrowing his eyebrows at the end. "And believe it or not, it's not as easy as it sounds." he finally adds, rubbing his temples. 

My eyes widen as all of the blood drains out of my face. 

I shoot up from the couch, slapping him roughly across the face. My slap echoes throughout the room as his head whips to the side. He brings a hand up to touch his cheek and readjusts his jaw.

"You killed people?" I demand, screeching out at full volume. 

His eyes darken immediately, a deep navy blue overtaking his previous irises. He wraps his fingers around my wrist, roughly pulling me into his chest. 

"I did it for your benefit, sweetheart." he growls out, "Then you decided to use that bloody free will of yours and stupidly run back, so now you're on your own." Then he pushes me back onto the plush couch. 

He turns his back to me, taking a step away. My breath quickens as my heart jumps a few beats. Tears well in my eyes as I think about what I have done. He killed people. He killed people so that I can run back to my pack. He did all of that just so that I could make my own choice to return with Zane. 

He turns his head back to glance at me, his eyes following the single tear that spills out of the corner of my eye. He rolls his eyes, letting out another sigh as he turns backs round and make his way to me. He sits himself next to me on the couch, his hands coming up to rest on the sides of my face. I look into his now icy blue eyes as he searches my face. 

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