29|| The rug was pulled

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I flinched in my dreams, something really shinny brightened my closed lids, telling me it was probably time to get up and start the day

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I flinched in my dreams, something really shinny brightened my closed lids, telling me it was probably time to get up and start the day. But I didn't felt like waking up. I was strangely comfortable, cocooned in a lovely warmth that heated me all over. I snuggled closer, it felt so heavently... but then it vibrated with a low hum and someone's breath brushed my nape.

Oh shit.

My eyes snapped open in a second, immediately grimacing at the direct sunlight the slid through the blinds and tilting my head to avoid it brightness. At the movement the hold around my middle tightened and my back was pressed to someone's hard chest, stealing any remaining sleepy daze I may had left.

My heartbeat pounded on every corner of my body and my stomach did a complicated turn as what happened last night came back. I wasn't in my house. I wasn't in my room and definitely I wasn't in my bed.

Goosebumps covered the skin of my shoulder where Brett's deep breaths collided with, the feeling of his lips barely inches away was mindblowing. Brett! The comfortable warmth I been cuddling up to was actually Brett. I burned in embarrasment at my shameless reaction but the more time I remained in his arms the more my walls seemed to crumble.

Why was I even still in his arms?

Shit shit shit-

Luckily he was still asleep and hadn't witnessed my morning need of affection. So lame. Even tho last night he was the one that was all touchy...

Stop it, Alyson. He was drunk. If he wake up to you crawling over him he surely won't appreciate it.

Holding my breath to lessen the possibilities to wake him to this scenario, I analyzed the situation. It won't be easy to get away since we were tangled. One of his arms was my pillow as the other laid across my middle, in the valley of my waist since I was sideways facing away him. I was the little spoon. I blushed even harder, to the point my whole body was burning.

Very, very slowly I shifted to be able to bend the elbow under my body and carefully detatched my head from his bicep. He stirred a bit and I held my breath but his remained slow and deep.

So far so good.

I sighed and took his wrist gently to pry it off and tried to get up but his arm tightened around my waist at the attempt and I was pulled back to him, harder this time. Too shocked to immediately react, shudders shook me whole and a shaky gasp escaped my lips as his hand absently trace the side of my body, following every curve and pulling me closer; leaving a burning path behind. I let out a muffled yelp when out of the blue it slid under my shirt and grazed the bare skin of my abdomen, shocking me with both bewilderment and chills of pleassure at the sudden touch.

What the-

My cheeks flamed "Brett!" and I forgot about going unnoticed. Apparently he was also handsy in the morning and if I didn't stop this now... well it was already escalating.

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