31|| Turn of events

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My breath got stuck in my throat at the sight of Jade

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My breath got stuck in my throat at the sight of Jade. Her murderous gaze on me. Hard. Dangerous. And the memories of that damn changing room came back to me, making me stiffened.

Brett sensed it and absently caressed my arm with his hand around my shoulders. The warm he spread even through the jumper from that contact helped slightly, but I still couldn't look away from the blond on the other side of the lot. She certaintly didn't look happy when she noticed Brett's gesture and the small hairs on my nape rose in response when she slammed the car's door shut and finally looked away, following her step-mother whom I only now noticed getting out her car as well.

Sensing my sudden fright, the guy beside me frowned and follow my eyes 'til his reached Jade and then he tensed as well, pulling me closer after the first second of cluelessness."What the-?"

"What?" Hunter frowned looking that way too and cursed rather harshly.

I finally was able to tear my gaze from her, lowering it instead and hugging my middle at the sense of vulnerability that filled me. "I-I thought she was expelled."

"She was." grumbled Brett tightening his hold protectively. "Fuck. Don't say her parents pay her way back it."

"Is it really that surprising?" sighed Hunter but I could see his frown from the corner of my eye.

He was right. The Stefans were one of the whealtiest families in Clayton High. It only made sense they could compensate Jade horrible behavior with a significant sume of money... Only that the perpective of having her back made me wanna puke.

Now that I was having a couple days away from Noel, somehow rebonding with Brett... Now that things seemed to finally turn for the better she comes back.

"Hey." Brett sweetly cupped my chin to look up at him. "Look at me." Hesitantly I did and when my wide eyes met his electric blue ones an emotion shook me to the core. "Don't worry about her now, okay?" The intensity in his gaze made cooled my apprehension, at least enough to allow my lungs to work again. Jade couldn't attack me again, right? She just got back, and God knows what her parents must had done for it to happen. She won't risk it again. He leaned, resting his forehead on my temple and creating a small bubbled of safety where only us existed. "I won't let nothing happen to you."

Taking a deep breath I nodded, letting his words get to me. I believed him. I found myself instinctibly leaning against him for this heartwarming comfort. "Thanks."

He smiled a little, reassuringly, and squeezed my shoulders pulling me towards the door. "We'll get going." he then announched Hunter who gave us a knowing look and a salute.

To everyone's baffledment, Brett walked me to my locker and I couldn't help to feel both ashamed and excited by it. I mean, it was nice and I certainly like he was now being this sweet to me, but at the same time I didn't cope well with people's looks of amazement and judgemental confusion. It made me even more self conscious.

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