37. "this feels right"

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Today was Chelsea and Charlies birthday. They were having a party, to reunite all of their friends. What Piper, Quinn or Chelsea didn't know, is that they were reuniting much earlier than they thought. Their boyfriends had conversed, and planned for them to have a reunion earlier, so they could get ready together like old times. The girls hadn't been together for two months, and they missed eachother like crazy.  

"Quinn, there's someone at the door" Jay called, lying on the couch. "Why can't you answer it?" Quinn was picking out her outfit. "It's for you" he singsongs, seeing the arrival of William and Carlos. "Fine" Quinn sighed, jogging down the stairs. She opened the door and much to her surprise, no body was stood outside. The blonde stepped out, looking left to right. That's when they saw eachother. Piper spotted Chelsea first, not recognising the house she was stood outside. She was confused why William had brought her there. Chelsea saw Quinn first, recognising the house and familiar surroundings. Quinn saw Piper first, her ginger hair standing out in the seemingly plain neighbour hood. Then when they all turned their heads, they saw eachother. Quinn grinned and ran towards her friends. They crashed in a group hug, setting all of their laughter off. They stood there for what seemed like ages. They held eachother close, not wanting to let go with the fear that they would disappear and they'd have to miss eachother all over again. But they knew that wouldn't happen, so eventually they let go. 

 "Happy birthday!" Quinn and Piper said in unison. "Thank you" Chelsea smiled. The trio walked inside, Chelsea and pipers boy had made sure they brought their outfits.

The theme for the party was your parents. Chelsea and charlies had many disagreements when deciding, but finally came to a decision. "Which one?" Quinn held up two dresses, one red, one black. "Red one" Piper says, laying out her outfit on the bed. "Yeah red" Chelsea smiled, holding up a pair of ears. "Yes or no?" she asks, placing them on her head. "Yes" Quinn smiles, her eyes glancing over her jewellery.

 Her eyes travelled to the bracelet jay had stolen on their first day in Auradon. "I always wondered who this belonged to" Quinn sighed. "What is it?" Piper asks. Quinn held the bracelet up and realisation crossed pipers face. "Ally made that" she smiled. "What do you mean?" Quinn asks, intrigued. "When we were like 13 or 14, she made bracelets for us, including the boys. She made that one and said that if she ever met the daughter of the queen of hearts she was going to give you it. Somehow jay must have found it" Piper smiles at the fond memories of when everything was simple. "Do you still have yours?" Chelsea questioned. Piper shook her head sadly. "I mean, it might be in my jewellery collection but I haven't worn it for years" she sighs.

They were blasting music and getting ready. They had really followed the theme for the party very well. 

Quinns outfit <3 [she is wearing her birthday earnings and a different necklace <3}

Quinns outfit <3 [she is wearing her birthday earnings and a different necklace <3}

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She had more makeup on than usual. Her eyeshadow was similar to hers for graduation and she was sporting red lipgloss. Her hair was half up half down, the part up in a high pony. It was all curled and fell neatly down her back. She was wearing her mothers necklace, which she hadn't put to much use. If she was being completely honest, the thought scared her. She wasn't used to powerful magic, so steering clear of it was the best option. Finally she wore her bracelet she know knew was from ally, her bracelet from jay and the one she had created. In her opinion, she had followed the brief very well. 

Pipers outfit <3 [her hair is different <3]

Pipers outfit <3 [her hair is different <3]

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Piper had very simple makeup on. A simple green shimmery eyeshadow and pink lips. Her hair was tied in a low ponytail, as she preferred it. Around her neck was a necklace she had from her mother. It was similar to her bracelet from Quinn, except it read 'never grow up'. She cherished that necklace dearly, she almost always had it around her neck. On her wrist was her one bracelet from Quinn, it stood alone as piper wasn't one for excessive jewellery. 

Chelseas outfit <3 [her hair is the same except it is pink and purple ombre <3]

Chelseas outfit <3 [her hair is the same except it is pink and purple ombre <3]

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Chelsea had the most makeup on. Her eyeshadow was bright pink and purple, but somehow the daughter of the cheshire cat made it work. She just had glossy lips, her infamous grin was all she needed. Around her neck was a necklace from her father. Chelsea had received it for her 5th birthday and had adored it ever since. It was a spiral and read "i'm not crazy, my reality is just different from yours." She also wore her bracelet from Quinn on her wrist, completing her outfit. 

Within two hours the trio was ready. Having enjoyed each others company, now was time for photos. They took what seemed like millions, selfies, mirrors, normal ones, the lot. But surprisingly, they had the time. "This feels right" Quinn hugged her girls again. "it does" Chelsea agreed. "All back together again" Piper added. "We are also, all going to be late if we don't leave now" Jay smirks, leaning against the doorframe. Quinn rolled her eyes and waved him off playfully. He mimicked her gesture and walked down to the car. With one last picture, the girls left the house. Ready for a reunion and one more night together. 

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