the nowhere alps

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he loves the meadow behind his house unlike he hates his own mother all the time

he plants flowers on a canvas he bought from somewhere in the east Berlin where his mother hid last year

he once opposed his mother to not move to the place around Gothenburg that full of grasslands

he hated his father and mother and brother and sister and his aunt and his uncle who never allowed him to play hide and seek under the afternoon sun

he doubts of God existence so far because he never got encountered God everywhere he had been. things happen or they don't happen at all, said Henry Miller.

he likes to bring roasted potatoes sprinkled with salt and pepper from home for snacks to eat while enjoying the sunset

nobody knows his existence around Gothenburg nobody knows his name. people don't know him and people don't leave their house at the time

no digital cameras everywhere that he was born twenty years before 1988. he filming the alps area using his little blue eyes. he doesn't blame anyone for his birth when digital camera hasn't been invented. he only blames his mother for forgetting what her son's name is every single morning. and he hates his brother for dying on his birthday.

(April 11)

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