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Maple was stuck on top of a building, watching over her bakery in the middle of the night with the demon of San Francisco eating a chocolate bar next to her

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Maple was stuck on top of a building, watching over her bakery in the middle of the night with the demon of San Francisco eating a chocolate bar next to her.

She huffed, wrapping the blanket around herself. They made a pit stop at her apartment, grabbing a blanket and some snacks that Venom happily devoured.

"So what are you going to do when you find whoever's been vandalizing my bakery?" asked Maple as she mushed her cheeks together in boredom.

Venom grinned. "They are bad, so we eat them."

"Wait - I mean - I don't think they're that bad, right? I mean, it's just some paint or fake blood or something. "

"Eddie says we eat bad guys."

"So if someone littered, you would eat them?" Maple retorted.

"What is that?" asked Venom as he tilted his head to the side. "I see," he replied after a moment. "No, we would not eat them. At least, Eddie says no because he has littered before."

"Shame on you, Eddie Brock," joked Maple.

Venom perked up. "Someone is coming."

Maple looked over the ledge to look at her bakery. There were three people walking their way. They were dressed in simple jeans with a hoodie covering them. Venom's eyes - slits more like - narrowed as he watched for their next move. The three looked around before one of them brought out three cans of spray paint as they stopped in front of her bakery. Maple felt dejected, slouching slightly from her laid position.

"Well, I guess you - " She looked over to see Venom was already on the move, flinging himself to land in front of the three. "Oh, would you look at that?"

She couldn't hear them from where she was, but she definitely heard the roar that left Venom's mouth.

"Oh. Kinda horny now," she muttered.

One member of the trio seemed to be afraid, backing up, pleading to their friends to go. One of them pulled their hood down, revealing a rather drug addict look to him. He pulled out a pocket knife, despite how huge Venom was. Maple was sure Venom was smiling very widely as he grabbed the drug addict and bit his head off.

Maple groaned, wincing as she turned her head. "Not horny anymore."

Venom dropped the body and moved onto the other two before they ran away. Venom seemed proud of himself, taking his time to grab the dead body and swallow him whole. Maple shook her head, getting up and folding her blanket, putting her trash into a bag she brought. Venom dove for the roof she was on and grinned happily.

"Are you proud of yourself now?" she asked.

"Very," he answered.

She peeked over the ledge. "There's a small puddle of blood."

He shrugged. "It will dry. Now, let's go home and eat more chocolate."

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