Character Information

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(I'm tryna rewrite this, so if you see inconsistencies-


Just be quiet about it 😭)

Name: Kasumi Wolford

Looks: Pic Above

Personality: A little shy, elegant, modest, polite, can get incredibly scary if someone touches her garden or inventions, doesn't like doing other people's stuff, encourages others to follow their dreams, frequently argues with Shin, and doesn't know what quit means.

Powers: Inherited all powers from Naruto, including the Kekkei Genkai, but the Byakugan is the one she mastered the most.

Love Interest: August von Earlshide (In this story, Elizabeth isn't engaged to August and doesn't hold any romantic emotions for him. I'm bby and cry at conflict.)

Usual Outfit: The shirt she has in the pic and she wears a high waist golden skirt over it. For shoes, she wears black heels that go mid-thigh, taking on the appearance of stockings with heels attached.

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