Chapter 5

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-Kasumi's POV-

I watched as the other examinees chanted, using weak magic that barely did anything to the dummies. I felt embarrassed for them, but it would be impolite to show my embarrassment. I sighed a little when the last girl used fire magic so weak that it didn't even touch the dummy.

"You're next." The examiner pointed at August, who nodded and stepped up, putting on an impressive show that destroyed the dummy easily. I felt relieved that there was finally someone who seemed experienced in magic.

When August returned to my side, I smiled. "Finally, someone who put up a good show." He chuckled, "I'm flattered that you think my magic is impressive."

I giggled but was interrupted when the examiner called me up. "The king told me about you. Make sure to hold your powers back and not destroy the training grounds." I sweatdropped but nodded, sorting through all of my jutsu before I decided which one I wanted to use.

I formed the necessary hand signs, "Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!" A thin but large fire projectile came from my mouth and flew straight towards the dummies, burning them to ashes within a second. The examiner's jaw dropped before she pushed her glasses up and regained her composure, "G-Good, you obviously have more control than your brother."

I sweatdropped once again and chuckled nervously, wondering what Shin did this time. "Is that so...? Hehe..." I went back to August and sighed.

"You did great." He said and I looked at him, blushing. "R-Really? T-Thank you..." I stammered, looking down at the ground and fidgeting with my fingers a little. 

"You're so adorable." He said randomly. 

My face burned and you could see smoke coming from the top of my head, making August chuckle while he patted my head.

-Time Skip | A few days-

I scrambled to get out of the shower, quickly throwing on my white dress with a black ribbon wrapped around my waist. I had on red earrings that looked like roses and a big, red rose was attached to the waist ribbon from the left.

I pulled my hair up into a fancy bun, another rose holding it together. "KASUMI!!! ARE YOU LEAVING OR NOT?!" Grandmother yelled. I flinched a little and threw the door open, running down the stairs as fast as I could with my white heels. 

"I'M COMING!" I replied, almost tripping before I caught myself, catching my breath at the bottom of the stairs. "Jeez, what were you doing up there?" Shin said teasingly. I glared at him, a dark aura surrounding me as my eyes seemed to glow. "That was rude. Care to repeat it?" I asked, already pulling out my trusty frying pan from nowhere. 

Shin gulped, backing away with his arms raised in a surrender, "No, I never said anything, hehehe..." I nodded, my frying pan disappearing into my dress. "I'm watching you, jerk." I warned.

I looked at August with a bright smile, flowers appearing in the background, "Shall we go?" August nodded, "We shall." 

Then we left, completely ignoring Shin the whole entire walk.


Looking at the board filled with the results, I saw that August, Shin, and I had all passed and were in S-class. Me and Shin tied and August was second place. 

I place my hand on my cheek and gave a closed-eyed smile, "It seems all of us are in the same class." August and Shin high-fived, August giving me a fist bump and wink.

I blushed a little but ignored it, going to the lady who was passing out the uniforms quickly. Shin and I got our uniforms first and were informed that we would have to give the greeting speech since we tied for first place.

I was mostly okay with that as I had to do plenty of speeches in my past life, but Shin didn't really share that sentiment. "B-But there's Au-er, Prince Aug here. He can do it instead of me, right? He's more fitting to do so, after all!" Shin reasoned, sweating bullets. 

"What are you talking about, Honors Student? The entrance ceremony greeting speech is a sacred tradition of the Earlshide Magic High School! The symbol of the perfect merit system this school is known for! ...I absolutely didn't bend anything to cause interesting developments." August clutched Shin's shoulder, snickering evilly. 

"Yes, you should be able to give a greeting speech to a school if you were actually worth something. It would be pathetic if you couldn't pull it off with me by your side. I believe in you!" I joined in, clutching Shin's other shoulder.

'They're demons!' Shin mentally screamed.

"Good luck on coming up with a greeting speech." August added nonchalantly.  "You...!!" Shin gritted his teeth.  I giggled, holding August's hand, "Coming up with one shouldn't too hard for me. But... I'm not too sure about Shin." I teased. 

Shin glared at me and I smirked smugly. "Of course, it's unthinkable that you would mess up. You seem experienced." August played along. "Oh, I'm definitely more experienced than Shin." 

We both laughed while Shin sulked, knowing it's going to be a long year with both August and I around.


Shin entered the room with a long sigh, making Grandfather's eyes widen in shock. "What is that sigh for?! You didn't pass?!" He exclaimed. "No, I did, but... I have to deliver the greeting speech..." Shin sighed once again, 

"That's good news! Great job, Shin!" Grandfather congratulated, patting Shin's back. "We're the ones who taught him, so that's to be expected. Still, you deserve the praise." Grandmother added, not even trying to hide the fact that she was boasting her skills. 

"But you don't have to feel down about having to deliver the speech." Dis said, noticing that Shin still had a disappointed aura around him. "There's one other thing... I know someone who also took the exams, but I couldn't see the person anywhere..." 

"A girl, eh?" August chuckled, hand still in mine.

"Definitely a girl." Dis agreed with his son.

"Fufufu~ It seems you're thinking about Cecily~!" I laughed, sending him a teasing smirk.

Grandfather stroked his beard, "You seem to have learned a lot since coming to the capital! Very good." 

"Bring that girl here sometime. I have to see her for myself." Grandmother said,  adding onto Shin's embarrassment. "What about August and Kasumi? They haven't let go of each other's hands this whole time!" Shin pointed at us who looked at each other, not feeling even a bit embarrassed. 

I had already gotten used to the PDA.

"Well, yeah. We're soulmates after all." I shrugged, my statement accompanied by many noises of shock and everyone's jaw dropping. "You mean that you two actually have soulmates, and you happened to be each other's fated partners?!" Dis exclaimed, feeling shocked as his son didn't say anything about having a soulmate before, let alone finding his.

"Yeah, we found each other during the entrance exams." I said, August nodding along with me. "Hey, what's this whole soulmate thing about?" Shin asked, confused.

I facepalmed, "1% of the human population have soulmates and only .01% of them find their partners. You can tell if someone is your soulmate if they have the same sign as you. With me and August, our sign is a black crescent moon." I pulled my dress up a little and showed them my sign, along with August.

"We were really lucky." August said, smiling. "I see. Since you both are soulmates, I can expect the engagement soon." Dis laughed with Grandfather and Grandmother. August, being the shameless butterfly he is, nodded with his smile remaining. I, however, blushed a bright red and covered my face with my hands in embarrassment. PDA didn't prepare me for that.

This is going to be long year.

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