Chapter 2

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"What?! The red grizzly monster... was instantly killed by Shin and Kasumi?!" Melinda exclaimed, collapsing onto a nearby sofa. Shin and Kasumi were already asleep... well, Shin was. Kasumi was secretly listening in. How else was she going to learn about this world's limits? Merlin is horrible at teaching common sense, or maybe it's just that Merlin hasn't even tried to teach the kids anything about the outside world that wasn't related to magic before.

In order to understand the universe Kasumi has found herself in, she must always eavesdrop on conversations like this. "Who on Earth... are those kids...?" Melinda said shakily. "Their magic learning speed is unusually high... they can even keep up with Michel's training, Kasumi more so than Shin. The magic they used were mostly originals..." Merlin mumbled, hand on his chin in thought.

"Could it be those kids are from a different world?" Melinda suggested dryly, a small smile on her face. The two men in the room chuckled a little, though nothing was really funny. It wasn't too far fetched to suggest that those two kids were from an entirely different universe.

"It doesn't matter who they are. They call me Grandpa... they earnestly learnt all the magic I've taught them. I may have adopted them both... but to me they are like true grandchildren. I can't help my affection for them. When they get stronger they will be able to protect themselves. There is no problem..." The old man rambled, a fond look in his eyes.

Behind a wall, Kasumi smiled. 'Thank you, Grandfather...' Silently getting up, Kasumi snuck back into her room and fell asleep, leaving the adults to talk about whatever they wanted with some privacy.


"Not your real grandchildren?" Kasumi and Shin repeated, looking at their grandpa while sitting by a cliff. "Us?" The kids both looked at each other, knowing looks in their eyes. Merlin nodded, arms crossed in a serious manner. "Sorry to not have told you both before." He apologized.

"Well, we kind of knew you weren't really our Grandfather." Kasumi said, laying down on the grass. "The carriage was completely decimated when I found you two... I didn't know anybody there. I do not know who your parents are." The Lord of Destruction explained.

"I see..." Shin mumbled, scratching his head. "Are you children not interested?" Merlin asked, curious. "We don't remember our parents, and even if we did, we didn't get to bond with them. But who needs parents without bonds? We have Grandfather, the one who made up for all these years without them!" Kasumi smiled brightly, hugging her dear guardian.

Shin joined in on the hug and Merlin started crying. "U-Ugu... Shin... Kasumi..." He sobbed. 'Ah... he started crying.' The kids thought simultaneously, smiling at each other.

-Time Skip | A Few Years-

"Now then, to our esteemed Merlin-dono's grandson and granddaughter, congratulations on turning 15 and becoming fine adults. In honor of this, let us celebrate." Dis announced, raising his glass full of wine.

"Everyone drink up!" Michel let out a booming laugh, raising his glass as well, the rest of the table joining in. "Well then, for Shin-kun and Kasumi-chan's 15th birthday. Cheers!" Dis continued.

"Cheers!!!" Everyone exclaimed happily, excited to drink to their heart's content. Kasumi smiled and politely raised her glass, kind of excited for a drink, too. It's been a while since she's had good wine... well, it's been a while since she's had wine in general.


"In a bit you'll both go out into the world." Merlin chuckled, stroking his long, grey beard. "But living here is fine... I don't really have to go outside." Shin protested.

"Shin, in order to become a functioning adult in society, you must go out into the world and get a profession of your own. You want to do something with your life, don't you? Don't be so boring!" Kasumi scolded before taking a sip of wine.

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