The beggining

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I'm not really very good at making stories, so it occurred to me that Ican tell my thoughts, my feelings, and my decisions. So let's start.

I would like to start from where it all started and that was on friday March 13, when it was my last day of high school, days before we had already been told that they were going to suspend classes due to the COVID-19 but that we would return after Easter. That same day there was a party that almost all of the school were going to, so together with my friends we made a plan for that day to be a success, our plan was that before the party we would go to aldo's house to start drinking and also have sex with our girlfriends, but the plan did not work since my girlfriend was not allowed to go. So the plan changed for me, since for Aldo the plan was still standing, arriving at Aldo's house he and his girlfriend stayed and Fernando, Jesus and I went to play pool to make time for what Aldo was finishing. We played for a while until Aldo spoke to us so that we could go through him since he also couldn't have sex with his girlfriend because his brother and daughter came to the house and caught them in bed, so they could no longer continue and had to leave with us to play billiards and make time when a friend of theirs arrived and so we could go for the alcohol for the party. 

His friend came and we all moved to the store and while we were there we came up with the idea of buying three 1.75-liter bottles of tequila, we paid and went straight from there to the party, the plan was to leave Aldo's house later but as the whole plan did not work we arrived earlier than expected so we decided to go to dinner and go to the bathroom so that we could arrive at the time we had arranged with other friends who were also going to the party. When we arrived as it was at a friend's house we passed without being checked, the party was very good and it was almost full, we stopped at the entrance to spend the party there and also because we met other friends who were also at the party. As it was very hot we preferred to go to the back of the place where there was a little more space and where it was not so hot. already being in the right place we started with the shots and in less than 20 minutes the first bottle was finished and with it our sobriety, more and more drinks passed and the problems were noticed since in order to go to the bathroom you had to pass in the middle of all the mutitude not in agreement with that the floor was down and too slippery, when I went to the bathroom I slipped but I was lucky that two dudes they stopped me from falling, the minutes passed and my friend Fernando and Aldo told me to go with them to the bathroom so that they would let them pass quickly, I went ahead so that they did not have problems with the bathroom doubt, when they arrived Fernando was direct to the bathroom but Aldo was very angry and he asked me if I knew some dudes with whom they had problems since Fernando who had been the one who was drinking the most slipped and fell and with the girlfriend of one of them, for which Obviously they got upset and started to instigate a fight, but since everything was very fast, my friends didn't pay much attention and kept going. When we came out of the bathroom we met them and they told us about things, but since I didn't want the party to end because of a stupid shove, I tried to calm my friends and the other dudes, but it was so much fuss that the music stopped and Moi was the one The owner of the house calmed them down, we tried to talk to them but they became very aggressive so he decided to take them out and just at that moment of excessive tension a dude slipped and broke a bottle and he also threw me which was not the worst thing he could have happened since everyone thought they were attacking us and decided to start pushing them out but the girlfriend of one of them threw his drink at us and it all exploded, literally all went against them to hit them they took them out of the house and started beating them until the police arrived and ruined our party, Moi's father left very angry and ran us all so we better left but since the police were out we couldn't get in the car and We decided to wait for the ones that were leaving so that we could leave. As I was already drunk, I decided to flirt and wait with a girl who was at the party until her father arrived and the moment ruined me, the police left and we were able to get into the car to leave but since we had taken a lot we wanted to go to the bathroom so a few streets back we got down to urinate. Just as we stopped, they came with those who had problems at the party, they threatened us with a knife and my friend Aldo launched himself at them and I had to stop him so that he would not get older after I decided to go for the police that was a few streets away, when I went back with the police, they arrested these dudes and we were finally able to leave without obviously having a good time arguing with the police. going through all those bad moments we went to leave the girls and from there everyone to his house sadly this was our last party and our last day together. If we had known that that day was the last of our high school we really would have taken advantage of it more and we would not waste it in a stupid problem that ruined our night. In short I really do not regret anything I really enjoy being with my friends whatever the time or circumstances.

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