The weekend

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On Monday we went to Aldo's house to have breakfast and to count the different verifications that each one lived that day, Aldo told us that due to hitting him badly, he broke his thumb and had to go to the hospital the next day because the pain was very intense, Karla also told us that those who were beaten were telling the story in reverse, saying that they had beaten us and that we ran to ask for help. That day we decided to relax and watch movies all day to forget the pronlemas we had days before. Although we did not know that this was going to be the last day we saw each other since weeks later the contingency came into effect and we cannot leave our houses unless it is very necessary, it has been almost a month and three weeks since we saw each other, We don't go out partying or anything that has to do with the outside. 

Something I never thought I was saying is that I miss school but now I really liked going to school even more because this semester will be the last one that happens with my generation and with my friends, unfortunately I still lack a semester because I reprove various subjects and since everyone is leaving I will be alone at school, I will have to make new friends but in reality it will not be the same I miss my first semesters too much and I would have liked to take advantage of them more since in the blink of an eye my high school finished and with her the most beautiful and happy stage of my whole life so far, between only meeting a few strangers and I go out with a family that will last a lifetime, although some of them got ahead of us on the road we still carry them in our hearts and they will always be with us. For all these new generations who have just entered and only want to leave or do not like going to school, really take advantage of every moment of it since at least they realize how much it is already your last semester and you will not see them every day Those people with whom you have lived three years of your life and with whom you have thousands of incredible stories and experiences. I still remember as if it had been a month ago when I entered high school and had the same attitude of many of you, but now that I am about to leave I miss too much or continue in high school and that it will last even a little longer for that to be able to enjoy it more. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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