C H A P T E R 1 - we where only seven

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- present time -

A P R I L 1 9
A G E 21

Nearing the end of the day was something you had dreaded. The paperwork was the constant annoying stack that would pile up on your countertop every day.

The only downside of a hero. The dreadful amounts of reports you had to file yourself. You were used to the grind of day-to-day life, heck even to the constant burns and cuts every villain pilled upon you.

Some days were harder than most but that never discouraged you. You had not much to look forward anyway.

Since the day you had made a declaration of friendship with the winged man he had just slowly left your life. You didn't understand why, no one ever told you why.

That day you were convinced you had made a friend, someone you can rely on well upon...that turned out to be a fucking lie.

The less you saw him the more you distance yourself. You two didn't get to spend as much time as you wished before the sudden departure.

Pushing through the small neat little agency you walked to the small room you called your office. Upon walking in load and behold. The stacks of paper eagerly awaiting your return.

With a tired sigh, you took the stack and moved it into a bag. Your bag became heavy as you tiredly trudged out of the office. You did not have the energy to stay and do work here, even if you hated mixing your home space with work, today was just not the day to stay behind, you just wanted some rest.

Leaving the agency you closed the doors before following your commute back to your luxurious apartment ( courtesy of the government officials of course ) you entered via balcony to lazy for the extra steps and entered swiftly.

You kicked off your boots and tossed the heavy bag off to the side. You let your hair down and shed off your hero costume. Leaving a messy trail behind you.

You were only left in your bra and some short spandex that went under your costume. You made it around your island counter before opening up the freezer and pulling out the bottle of vodka that was waiting for you.

reaching up to the cabinets you pulled out a shot glass before pouring yourself a Hefty shot. No way you were about to do this amount of work sober.

You pulled out your laptop and turned on the tv for the background noise as you became working. The only company was your laptop and the party size of vodka keeping you going.

Upon a bit of scrolling and sorting of emails, you felt the sudden breeze from your balcony. Did you forget to close it? You were positive that you did. Getting up lazily you went to close it while kicking your scattered clothes to a pile for future you to deal with. Before you were able to close it completely a familiar red feather seemed to slip by the small crack.

You blinked before knitting your eyebrows " I can't be this drunk already" she mumbled before looking back to be met was an adult Keigo.

You recognized those eyes and messy hair anywhere. Sure his baby face turned into something out of a Top ten bachelors of japan magazine. And his appearance was more built and fitting.

" damn I would have thought I could sneak up on you" he broke the awkward silence with his signature grin. Oh, you knew him just as well as anyone who kept up with pro-hero gossip. He was known for this nature, his nonchalant playful attitude.

A little part of you just wanted to hug him and catch up hint; a LITTLE part of you, the rest of you wanted to turn a cold shoulder and ask for an explication.

Hawks was not reading the atmosphere very well after he was able to take a good look at you. His nonchalant attitude is gone after seeing you almost half-naked. Sure he was a cheeky guy but...you weren't some random girl. He's seen you when you were a child, a part of him did not feel entirely comfortable.

You, on the other hand, did not seem to give two shits. You had a revealing costume, to begin with anyway, and you had gotten used to flashing the public while in battle, as bad to say it was very common.

You leaned on the glass frame before feeling your face he's up from the alcohol " what do you want Keigo, you expect to show up to my apartment after YEARS. You just expect me to be waiting with open arms?" You said almost in an aggressive tone.

You just had tons of paperwork to do and you were hoping for more than 5 hours of sleep today.

He scratched the back of his head " actually..." he spoke before gulping trying to ignore the fact you were openly okay being half nude in front of him. " I came here to clear my name" he looked off to the side ignoring your harsh gaze.

You looked squinting to find any hint of mischief and lies. This man was being sincere. You moved aside without a word.

He entered still avoiding your gaze. Upon entering the skimmed your place. It was very plain looking but it sure did have hints of you scattered around. From the ( f/c) throw pillows and the little small decorations of your favorite hero. And of course some house plants. " nice place" he complimented before seeing your workspace.

He stopped in his tracks after seeing the crap ton of work you had on the island counter and the bottle of vodka tying the scene pretty nicely.

You closed the door behind you before you turned to see you haven't cleaned or attempted. Since you had come in and tossed your clothes anywhere.

You approach him after giving one last kick to your clothes and sit at the counter "want a drink? Doesn't have to be alcohol or anything"  you offered while looking back at your cabinets. He cleared his throat and nodded " maybe some water" he asked while you got up and fetched him his ice-cold water. "'So speak I don't have the time and brain cells to be chit-chatting " you spoke while pouring his glass of water.

He cleared his throat " oh right! It's a long story so I'll just cut straight to it, you were used." You turned once you heard the words come out of his mouth.
" what" you bluntly said holding the pitcher and glass of water.
" The government used you for the sake of you powering me up, it was supposed to be quick, they only wanted to evaluate me to see what improvement was needed" he explained leaning forward in the counter " they weren't wanting us to be friends, more or less they would want us to just make a stronger being if that was the case" he shrugged like if it wasn't a big deal.

To you, you felt deceived and lied to. Abandoned for the seconds.

You shook the feeling of suppressed anger and gave him his glass of water" my intention was not to make false promises" sincerity dripped from his voice. He stared at his glass of water for a bit before looking up. You stood on the other side of the island table now looking at him

" if this is your way of apologizing, you aren't selling it very well." you broke the silence giving off a tired expression " I know, I know... that's why I'm here" you knit your face in confusion " I want to be able to rekindle that small little friendship we had," he said assertively you looked at him with the same expression " and to explain this situation, to ya know" you put your hand up " yeah yeah I know" he didn't but you had work to do

" So can we be friends..again?" He asked pleadingly. You felt a tingle in your heart while the corners of your mouth twitched in a smile but looked away.

" fine, I'm sold on your apology." You said with a 'humph' in your voice " thank god I thought I had to bring out the snacks" your eyes widened while you saw bags of snacks that's were held by a feather.

Chips, and sparkling sodas all in the bag with a few little bags of cookies.

You had talked to him a few times, those times were from interest, and well you did love to munch on some snacks here and there when you had the chance.

It took you by surprise when you realized, he had never really forgotten anything, the things you had exchanged. Maybe he felt the guilt too, the loneliness.

Maybe this wouldn't be too bad

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