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To your surprise, Sora was a total gentleman. He had a coat on that he let your brow from the long walk. Your outfit was somewhat exposing and not as thick as you wish. So he let you wear it till you both arrived

He was super easy to talk to and you even both agreed to see each other again!

You learned a lot about him, his quirk, and even his occupation. Turns out he was up and rising hero. He had just interned with Mirko and was working on having his agency. He also had a cute dog named bimbus, which he had promised you would meet at one point, you also learned that he was a fan of your work.

You didn't come across many polite fans most of them tried to lewd you or try to get more than just your autograph. You had amazing fans but sadly most of them had sexually used you due to your quirk and how young you were. Luckily most of them were only gross middle-aged men that we were married and the true respectful ones were always the younger ones. And you didn't meet those awful fans often.

You two still talked in front of the club. You never expected it to last as long as you did.

You took off the coat as you handed it back " thank you again Sora, I appreciate the kindness you showed me tonight" you smiled while letting your wings flow in.

He nodded " of course, it's awfully cold this morning" he smiled while folding it against his chest and placing it on his arm.

" I'll see you soon right?" He saluted you while you flew up a little to now he was looking up at you
" of course, tomorrow at 10. I won't forget I promise " you smiled and you were on your way

Once you were high enough you rejoiced and did a loop in the air while being giggly. You haven't been this giggly since you were a kid and hawks would come to whisk you away.. speaking of that bird it was odd that he never crossed your mind..till now.

You had landed softly on the balcony and you entered your penthouse tiredly. Finally ready to get some sleep even if it was 6 am.

You shrugged off your hero outfit and Collapsed on the sofa. Just as you were about to close your eyes and enjoy that rewarding slumber that awaited you you hear a scoff.

Your eyes dart up as you see red wings walk out of the bathroom. He wasn't in uniform or anything but it still frightened you to have him in your house at 6 am..6 AM.

" someone finally decided to come home." He spoke sternly. And who was he to speak to you like a child?

" yeah okay and?-"
" okay and?? You have been gone for two hours!" He cut you off

" your point again? I didn't know I was getting a visit from my dad at 6 am" you scoffed laying on your side not facing him

" and if you want to get technical I've been gone since 2 am" you put up two fingers for him to see as you soon put them down and yawned

He crossed his arms " I was worried you know. You wouldn't answer your phone" he replied softly

You peeped at him " I only had my work phone on me" you answered coldly. You just wanted sleep you didn't want to deal with him.

" I even went to look for you and I couldn't find you. How far did you go" he took a seat on the rug that was placed at the foot of the couch giving him the amount of wing space he needed.

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