Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

It was one week later and she was still wondering how Zandro had made this all happen in such a short period of time. Here she was sitting inside a very luxurious private jet plane. The children were now placed back with Breanne's sister. Wasn't it best for the kids that they spend as much time with their mother as possible, Zandro had argued.  Of course with zillion dollar Zandro to the rescue large issues were ironed out easily.

Georgie now had a live in carer to assist her and the kids. Breanne had spoken to Georgie last night and couldn't believe the change she could hear in her sister's voice. Breanne felt guilty that she hadn't recognised earlier how her sister's mental health issues were exacerbated by her keeping the children at her place. The situation had kind of crept up on them all. She remembered the shock of finding out that Georgie had deliberately hurt herself and needed hospitalisation. Breanne rushed to Georgie's place to look after the children whilst her sister got treatment. Once out of the treatment centre Breanne made her way to Georgie's place ever Friday night and stayed until the Sunday. However, she was getting so far behind with her own chores and her sister was constantly insisting on quiet so that she could rest, that it started to make more sense to take the children to her place for the weekend.

A couple of years ago Georgie got really bad. Her lack of patience with the children was at an all-time high and on one Friday night Breanne arrived at her sister's house to find her hair unkempt, in rumpled clothes and crying hysterically on the floor and insisting that she just couldn't cope with the children. Breanne had offered to take the children for a couple of weeks to give Georgie a break. At the end of the fortnight Georgie said she still wasn't well enough. After a month it was agreed upon that the children should stay with her until Georgie improved. Breanne put them into a local school and at first spent every weekend taking them to see their mother. Breanne had tried hard over the past couple of years to take the kids regularly up the mountains to see their mum. If she was honest with herself the visits had become less frequent in recent months with one thing or another taking priority.

Georgie hadn't even met Zandro yet and as far as her sister was concerned the man could do no wrong. Breanne even felt a twinge of jealousy, having done the best she could for more than two years it was a little irking to have Zandro swoop in and become everyone's knight in shining armour with just one gesture. Sure it was an expensive gesture but to Zandro it was no more of an inconvenience than having to repurchase a spilt coffee.

Breanne pushed aside her petty feelings; it was her family that mattered most. It wasn't right that she begrudged Zandro's actions when her nieces and nephews were finally where they belonged, back in their home with their mum. Even Georgie's doctor was happy. "Each day that Georgina is with her children and in as normal a routine as possible will help her. I hope my dear that this is not a short term solution as separating her from her children once again would in my opinion likely cause a relapse. She needs stability and so do her children."

Breanne vowed to herself that she would do all that she could to keep her sister and the kids together. Even if it meant having to be a little nice to Zandro when she just didn't feel like it.

Zandro gave up on his attempt to focus on the spreadsheets in front of him. His attention well and truly captured by Breanne. He watched the emotions flickering across her expressive face and knew that she was still adjusting to the changes he had initiated. He was a little miffed that she didn't seem more grateful. If it wasn't for him she would still be tied down looking after children who weren't hers, throwing away her life and ambitions at such a young age. It was an unnecessary sacrifice for her to make and admittedly he enjoyed being the one to give her back her freedom.

It would be interesting to see her in unfamiliar surroundings. He had the advantage on her having negotiated and set up a call centre in the Philippines for his finance company. Idly he wondered if she had bothered to check up on the cultural and social expectations. Probably he should have mentioned but she had not been altogether friendly lately. He noticed her face set with a little determination. Whatever she was thinking about she looked as though she was going to approach it like a battle. No doubt he had been on her mind and the thought of her wanting to do battle with him once again had him going hard at an inopportune moment. It was going to be a long trip.

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