Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Breanne walked back to her lodgings. As lovely as her surroundings were it had been a trying day with a party consisting of three families all with fairly young children misbehaving in the restaurant. She'd forced the smile in place for hours while she mopped up one spill after another over the sound of constant squealing. Thank goodness it was a slow period in the day, she was sure other customers would not have appreciated the ruckus.  She opened the door to find Lance already cracking open a Corona for himself and a Breezer for her. "Ah, you are a darling. I could certainly do with this or maybe three or four of them."

"Sweets, I was out back and I could hear the noise."

"Thanks for the rescue. Where were you when I needed you?"

"We don't have enough Corona's in here to bail you out of that," he saluted her raising his bottle and nodding in her direction.

"Hmmph, well I'm knackered.""

"You going down to the lake this afternoon to write?" he asked whilst flicking through the limited television stations, one of the few downsides of living so remotely.

Breanne didn't have the energy but she knew that to reach her goals she had to show commitment even when she didn't feel like it. Otherwise her goals would simply slip to the wayside. "Yeah, I better get my lazy butt into gear I guess."

She changed into a cool Kaftan dress with long sleeves and popped on a hat. The dress would protect her from the afternoon sun and if she stayed out until dusk as often happened she would be protected from the mosquitos. "Try not to make too much mess around here while I'm gone."

"Aw, come on Bree you know you love having a hot young man about the house to look after."

Breanne swatted him and walked out the door with her backpack and straight into the chest of...Zandro. "What on earth?"

"Am I interrupting something here Breanne? Seems you've wasted no time in finding your next bed partner. Just how young is this guy anyway?"

"What the hell?" Breanne was livid. "Firstly where do you get off prying into my life when you were the one who did the disappearing act? You lost your right to question me about anything. You clearly demonstrated that you didn't give a rat's ass about me when you completely ditched me even after the intimacy we had been sharing." She was lit up like a firecracker and months of resentment furiously bubbled to the surface.

Zandro was not one to be made a fool of. Admittedly they had not made any commitment to one another but he still did not think Breanne was the sort to rebound so quickly. More honestly he was not prepared to think that she would have gotten over him so easily. Now that he was ready to...  Well he wasn't quite sure what he had planned but Breanne shacking up with another man was not part of his plan.

He watched as she stalked off and told him to bugger off. He had never before seen her so angry. If he wasn't crazy with jealousy at the situation he may have thought her cute with her hair flouncing and her face gone a rosy red. He stood rooted to the spot at the sight of her retreating on him and then made his decision.

"If you are thinking of following her man I wouldn't bother?" the kid inside piped up.

Zandro stepped closer fists clenched prepared to fight for what he felt was his. "Yeah once she gets into a mood there is no talking to her. She was heaps moody when she first arrived. Upset, angry then happy it was hard to keep up. Recently though she's been more settled, probably because she's got my good company around her for a while," he joked.

Zandro was taken aback with the guy's attitude. He was clearly young maybe just under twenty, a good looking blonde hair, blue eyed, muscled Australian. He seemed pretty carefree about the fact that another man had just shown up at the door. It didn't quite add up.

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