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"How do they know about me?" I asked Hazel.

Does Will talk about me to all of his friends? What does he say? Does he say good things or bad things? Is his friends nice or do you think they will all laugh at me? Oh no I'm over thinking again. He probably doesn't say horrible things about me because if he did then they wouldn't invite me to a party. Will they?

"Relax, he only tells them about how nice you are."

Still I am really nervous.

 --- 20 minutes before the party ---

"Will is going to come pick in 20 minutes" Hazel said. "Do you want help with your dress?"

"Yeah" I nodded.

--- 20 minutes later --- 

I heard a knock on the door. Its must be Will. I don't think I'm ready to go to a party yet. What if the same thing happens like it did with Bradley?

I opened the door to see Will all dressed up. I have to admit Will is really good looking.

"You look really pretty." Will said looking me up and down.

"Thanks you look really good as well. Hazel looks the best tho."

"Hey Will." Hazel ran up to him and hugged him and gave him a kiss.

"Delilah said you looked beautiful and you honestly do look amazing."

"Umm guys I'm still here you know. Save the gross stuff for when your alone." I laughed.

We all started to laugh.

"Anyway are you two ready to go to the party? My car is parked down stairs."

We all made our way down to the elevator.

"So who's going to be at the party?" I mumbled.

"Just some of my friends and some of their friends. They are mostly all YouTubers." Will replied. "You have nothing to worry about. They are all really nice people. They might act like twats on camera but in real life they are generally down to earth people." 

Some time later we arrive at the party. Music blasting. People dancing. People drinking.

"You go party I'll find you later." I said to Hazel as we walked in.

"You sure?" She asked.

"Of course. I will be fine here on my own."

Hazel smiled then walked off into the mosh pit of people pulling Will along behind her.

I looked around the place at everyone dancing and having fun. The old me would've love this place. The drink, the guys, the music. Just the whole vibe of this place I would've loved. That's not me anymore. Not since I met Bradley. I met him at a party like this funnily enough. 

I went over to kitchen and got a drink and went back to go sit on the couch. I think the couch will be the best place for me, where no one can see me. I sat there for a couple of hours when I started to drift off to sleep.

~~~ Harry's POV ~~~

--- Two Hours Later ---

"Hey Josh, I'm getting a bit tired. I'm going to go up to bed." I yawned.

"Alright. Night Boggo."

I smiled at him while I walked into the front room to get my phone which I left on the couch. 

Everyone had already left the party and went back to their own houses. It was weird because we were meant to meet Hazel's best friend Delilah. I think that's her name. 

As I walked into the front room I saw this girl asleep on the couch. She was really beautiful. She had golden blonde hair which matched her golden eye shadow.

"Hey Josh, There's a girl asleep on our couch. Do you know her?"

"No clue."

"We should let her stay the night it would be right to wake her up." I said as I gently picked her up.

I made sure that I didn't wake her up as I carried her up the stairs. I put her into the bedroom next to mine so if she needed anything she could come and ask me (also to keep her away from JJ). I carefully tucked her into the bed and I couldn't help but to stare at her beauty.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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