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❝Change your thoughts and you change your world.❞

-Norman Vincent Peale


Rome, Italy, Two Thousand Years Ago

Two blonde twins were born into the world. Miracle children, but also considered cursed. Their golden hair was seen as both evil and an incredibly lucky sign. They were said to be children of Jupiter, and beyond that, they were twins. A miracle in itself. 

Two girls, with bright eyes and wide smiles lived in a small house just outside the walls of Rome. Their father, a man named Quintus, was a General in the Roman army. The girls were named Cloelia and Albana. As they grew older, they were the talk of their village. Beautiful girls, smart and lovely. The perfect wives. When they were thirteen, their father made arrangements to marry them off to soldiers. 

Cloelia had other plans. She had always been spirited and wild, with a gift of prophecy. With the help of their mother, a witch named Tacita, they escaped on the night before their weddings. Albana was nervous, quiet with a soft heart. She feared their deaths whilst Cloelia promised their futures. 

Tacita bestowed a gift to Albana, the gift of immortality that she would achieve when she killed for the first time. But with it, came a curse. A thirst that was violent and bloody. It was the last thing that their mother did before being killed by soldiers. 

Albana and Cloelia escaped into the woods, and moved through Europe using Cloelia's gift of prophecy. Five years later, on their eighteenth birthday, Albana killed for the first time. A boy took advantage of her, tried to claim her as his own. 

In her rage, she killed him and then his family whilst his father was out hunting. When she awoke, she was drenched in their blood and her teeth had grown sharp with the thirst. 

She awoke a monster, and she had no idea what to do. So, of course, she ran to her sister for help. Cloelia cleaned her up and when the man returned, she took full responsibility for the deaths. He carved her heart out with a knife and left her body in the woods for the wildlife. 

That night, both sisters discovered that they were immortal. In very, very different ways. Albana was cursed with vampirism, the thirst of human blood and the pain of the sun. Cloelia was cursed with nothing, until the man discovered she was still alive. Then, she became hunted for the rest of her days. She had the secret gift of immortality, passed through their family for generations. She was a Seer. An immortal Prophet destined to walk the Earth for eternity. 


Klaus listened to her story silently and then stopped her. "So, what does this have to do with me? That man must be long dead by now." 

She shook her head and rolled her gray eyes, slapping his arm slightly. "Be patient, narcissist. I'm getting there." She wrapped her arms slowly around her knees and rested her chin on them, glancing at him sideways. "Jonah still lives. I don't know how, I believe he made a deal with a devil of some sort. Or a witch." 

A truck roared past, gunning the engine and the blonde glanced at it briefly before returning her gaze to Klaus's.

Klaus nodded, tilting his head to the side. "Which of the sisters are you?" 

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