Chapter 44- Bill

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Bill gave a thug on the ropes that tied his limbs to the bed. His wrists hurt from where he'd tried to set himself free. He could see the door from where he was lying. He relaxed against the ropes, panting. The headache had intensified with physical labor. Bill suspected he'd gotten a concussion. He could feel dried blood on her cheek and his locks that had glued to hid forehead.

He had not expected to awaken after he got his ass handed to him in the fight. He'd been too distracted to realize someone had sneaked up on him. He closed his eyes. Nobody had come to see him yet. If they hadn't heard him swearing and talking to himself for the past few hours, they'd come when the morning did.

He didn't know long he'd been out. It could've been a few hours, a day. He didn't know if his team was fighting still or if they'd escaped. He only knew he was tied to a bed and a headache worse than any hangover. His eyes were falling and he shook his head to stay awake. He may not wake up if he slept. His eyes hadn't gotten used to the darkness. There was no way for him to plan his escape until the sun has risen and he could see where he was.

He tugged on the ropes again, wincing. They wouldn't budge. Calm down, he told himself. Taking in a deep breath, he got more comfortable. What would Mike do?

The sudden thought of his brother being tied up in this room, without a way out, brought on a chill. Had Mike been in the same situation? He couldn't imagine his brother being helpless, lying alone in a room without a way of breaking free. He was always the capable one.

He was dead now. Which Bill will also most likely be if he didn't something out.

"Fuck me," he swore. This was not how he imagined his first time being tied to bed would feel like.

He looked at the ceiling, giving up. He would wing it when he had to. At least it was just him that he needed to worry about.

Unless it wasn't.

He moved his leg, trying to figure out if he still had the phone he had used in New York. He didn't have it on him. When he looked closely, he wasn't even in uniform anymore. His airways stopped functioning as his mind flooded with explicit details of a dead body. A brunette girl in a waitressing shirt. A brunette with soft lips and an enchanting smile. If they harmed her thinking she had anything to do with Phi, he— now, he couldn't really do anything but hope.

There wasn't a single person in Bill's life that acted like Naomi had even when he showed up drunk at her doorstep. Except for Stella. His brother's girlfriend had always annoyed him. Up until the very day he last saw her.


A door closing made Bill flinch, his eyes flying open.

"Good morning, sunshine."

Bill gritted his teeth, looking at the guy in front of him. He knew him, he just couldn't put his finger on it.

"How's the head?" the guy asked. He wore a black uniform with a red crest on it. His nose was slightly crooked and his hair short and beard clean-shaven.

"I know you," Bill murmured, racking his brain. His thoughts were jumbled up to begin with.

"If you don't cooperate, you'll know me as your worst nightmare." The man approached a knife in his hand.

Bill held his breath. "That was cringe-worthy, you know that right?"

"She wants to see you," the man said, bringing the knife to Bill's wrist, cutting him lose.

Before he could made a move to punch the guy, a blade pressed to his throat. "There's guards all around the perimeter. You won't even get to the door. Now, calm down, unless you want me to do it for you."

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