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"No wandering off, no deviating from chosen paths, do not go anywhere without first finding a guard to escort you, do not mention anything about the incident in front of any townspeople, if his majesty begins to look unwell, immediately inform Weatherford and retreat--" Agatha stops reading and turns to frown at Callis. "This is like being at home."

Callis shrugs, easily keeping pace with her as she marches along the corridor leading to the Entrance Hall.

"It's to be expected. It's a wonder they're letting this visit go ahead."

"Beatrix said Tedros convinced them it would stop people panicking about him." says Hester, sauntering alongside them. "For once, he has a point."

"What is it?" demands Agatha, flipping the paper over to see if there's more information on the back. "Where are we going?"

"To some orphanage in the city. A charitable visit for his birthday." snorts Hester. "They were trying to keep it confidential, so that no one would be able to follow us and have a second go at putting him six feet under."

"Not that it worked the first time." mutters Agatha. Over the past three days she's gotten the impression Tedros is more sulky than seriously injured, from what Dot and Beatrix have said when they come to see her.

"I thought the assassin had disappeared?" says Callis.

"He has, but the palace guard thinks he can't have gotten far." says Hester. "No one saw anyone of his description in the surrounding towns, so they're suspicious he's still hiding out in the grounds somewhere."

"There was a description?" asks Agatha.

"His majesty provided some half-baked description of his assailant, yes." says Hester dryly. "Not much to go on. His court was too worried about his concussion to care, though."

Callis snorts.
"I saw him twenty minutes after it happened, he was barely dizzy. Concussion." she lowers her voice. "Convenient excuse, though."

The three of them exchange glances. Agatha had told Hester, Anadil and Callis of her suspicions, and they had come to the conclusion that Tedros's foggy memory of the attack was a little too convenient. Still, no one had been able to provide any extra information that could be a clue as to his powers, and Agatha was still doubtful about what she'd felt at the coronation.

Callis starts to say something else, but is cut off as they turn into the Entrance Hall and encounter Vanessa and Sophie, both swathed in huge, furry winter cloaks. It's snowed constantly over the past three days, briskly banishing the sun they'd had in late October and apparently making the huge castle a thousand times colder. Agatha has spent a lot of time wandering around barefoot, unbothered by the temperature change she can't feel, whilst Callis stares at her, aghast, from under a pile of blankets.

"Ah, Agatha." Vanessa approaches them briskly. "Good, you've brought Captain Baumann. Now, I need you to be extra careful today, you understand? Don't leave the King's side unless absolutely necessary, and remain on your guard. Here, take this, it's cold--"

She bundles a fur cloak into Agatha's arms, despite knowing full well Agatha doesn't need one, and shoots a wary glance at the guards on station near the doors.

Agatha sighs and puts it on. Appearances and all that. Besides, she's too tired to argue with her mother. It seems that Tedros's near-death experience has reminded her that they're both rather valuable to her own purposes. Whether she means those instructions to keep Agatha safe or to keep Tedros safe, though, is hard to tell. If what they suspect about Tedros is true, then it seems either could be the case.

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