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(cw: blood, minor gore, death)

Sophie Aldridge is a good daughter.

At least, that's what her mother thinks.

Vanessa has become even more fawning recently, probably because Agatha has started to shake her off. She's presented Sophie to nobles at dinners, bought her new gowns, included her in gossip and hasn't mentioned their disagreement at the wedding once. Not that it had been much worth arguing about-- Sophie merely agreeing that she thought Tedros disliked Vanessa, slightly too loudly, was not worth carrying on about, since it has done no real damage to her reputation. Yes, Vanessa displays all the hallmarks of a doting mother, even if her status as Sophie's mother is meant to be a secret.

But Vanessa is not a good mother to Agatha. It's ironic, really. She spoils her illegitimate daughter and spurns the legitimate heir even though, practically, spoiling Agatha would be a million times more beneficial. But, therefore, Sophie is more than a good daughter; she's the good daughter. She's pretty and sweet and smiles at Vanessa and agrees with her, and she doesn't have any meddlesome magic to ruin anything.

And her face isn't a permanent reminder of Vanessa's callousness.

If this was six months ago, at home, Sophie probably would have been happy with the current situation. But it isn't six months ago, at home. It's today, in Camelot, and she isn't happy in the slightest.

Therefore, Sophie has no interest in continuing the charade.

Good daughters don't spy on their mothers, but that's exactly what Sophie is doing.

She crouches behind a weeping willow, lamenting how her skirts trail in the mud, but hoping the drooping branches will provide enough cover for her not to be noticed.

If confronted, she will have no way to justify why she's here, watching her mother talk to Tedros. She doesn't have any kind of concrete proof that it's anything beyond a simple discussion. She can't even hear what they're saying.

She just has a terrible, terrible feeling.

Vanessa has brought two guards, and they're not standing with their King-- they're standing with her. Tedros looks tense. Whatever Vanessa is saying, he doesn't like it.

She says something else, and Tedros's face drops completely. For a second, he just stares, face blank. He says something back. Vanessa nods, probably smiles from the stretch of her cheek. Sophie tenses. Whatever pleases her mother, and displeases Tedros, can't be good.

There's a rustling noise behind her, and she whirls, but there's no one there she can see. She stares for a minute, wondering if someone's noticed her--

The sound of swords being drawn behind her snatches her attention back to the lakeside. The two guards have their weapons out, and have started to advance on Tedros.

On Tedros. Their King.

Yes, she was right to worry.

Sophie leaps to her feet and creeps closer, slipping past the trees, straining to hear what they're saying. No one is moving, and Tedros has raised his hands, but Sophie doesn't think it's a surrender.

More like a threat.

She exhales slowly, stopping behind a closer tree. His magic, of course. The worst-kept secret in the court. Even if she hadn't had Agatha to tell her everything-- ivy, gloves, cancelling out-- she'd have probably figured it out herself.

But why isn't he using it?

Confused, she strains to hear the conversation.

"She'll kill you," Tedros is saying. "See if she doesn't."

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