The healing

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Progress? Well the only progress Bohn and Ram made, was to share a table at lunch and occasional hangouts with King.

Ram tried talking to King, countless times,  but the latter will just stare at him or turn around and leave whenever Ram tried to start a conversation.

Bohn and Duen were back together. King didn't like the way they kept a distance between themselves infront of him so he talked to Duen about it. He told Duen that ruining his relationship because of him wasn't a good idea and that he felt guilty about it. Duen was reluctant at first because he wanted Bohn to earn King's forgiveness first before coming back to him but at last he made up with Bohn.

Mek and Boss always tagged King along with them and whenever they were busy with something, they'll ask Thara and Frong to look after him. King felt like they were babysitting him and almost started an argument with them but Thara told him that they'll not leave him alone or he'll go back to not sleeping and eating anything.

King knew they were right so he stopped arguing with them. He was still trying to work out his feelings. He didn't know what he wanted so he kept a distance from Ram.

Weeks passed by, but both Ram and Bohn had no luck with King. They kept apologizing and leaving gifts, sometimes plants at King's door to make it up to him, but King kept rejecting their advances.

It was Duen's birthday and they decided to go to a club for drinks. King didn't want to go to a crowded place but his "mother" aka Boss dragged him there anyway. He saw Ram staring at him the whole time and he couldn't help but stare right back at him so to clear his thoughts or maybe mess them up even more, he drowned himself to drinking.

They say alcohol takes your pain away, so he just wanted to get Ram out of his system with the help of alcohol.

The night was half-way through and Duen and Bohn were dancing together along with Boss and Mek on the other side. They looked beautiful, atleast to his eyes. Thara and Frong came in late and settled next to King.

Thara noticed King's gaze stuck to the couples and he looked like he wanted that, you know the love, the adrenaline rush, the synchronised beating of heart and a lover. Then Thara searched for Ram and found him staring at King with the same look in his eyes as him.

He sighed. He knew they both were madly in love with each other but what Ram did was almost unforgivable. You don't make a deal without caring about other person's feelings.

It was hard for King to move past what happened. Everybody knew it.

Imagine being with the love of your life and them telling you that they loved you back. Ain't it beautiful?

Now think about getting your heart broken by the love of life and then they come back to you asking to be with you again.

What would you do?


King was in dilemma. It was no doubt that he loved the junior. It was written allover his face.

But he couldn't just forget what Ram did. Everytime he looked at Ram, it was not the happy moments that flashed in his head but the ones when Ram treated him badly, when Ram didn't do any effort to keep him in his life, when Ram lied to him.

Frong squeezed Thara's hand and brought him out of his thoughts. One look at his boyfriend and Frong knew he was worrying about King again.

When Bohn kissed Duen's forehead at the end of the dance, King's eyes met Ram.

He couldn't take it anymore so he excused himself and went outside the club for some fresh air. Ram followed, ofcourse.

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