Chapter 11 | Fitz

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Yes, I know you guys are Sokeefe shippers, but I just wanted to start telling it in his p.o.v

"Fitz?" Someone asked from behind him. The voice was so familiar, but he couldn't place it. He turned around. 


She was standing there, looking at him, how had he not noticed her at the campfire? With that angelic voice, it would be hard to miss her. "Sophie? What are you doing here?"

"I came for the bonfire."


She looked the same as in grade eleven, but also completely different than in grade eleven. He hadn't seen her since...since that incident with Stina. After it, she avoided him like the plague, and only came over when she was having a sleepover with Biana or something. It was amazing how she could just completely disappear from your life in a day. "So, how have you been?"

"Fine, you?"

"Alright." More than alright now that he'd seen her. She looked just as pretty, her hair had a silver glow from the moonlight pouring in.

"Listen, Sophie, I'm really sorry about...what happened, will you be my girlfriend again?"


"Listen, Sophie, I'm really sorry about...what happened, will you be my girlfriend again?"

Those fourteen words were the ones that knocked the world out from around her. Especially the 'Will you be my girlfriend again' part. But...Keefe, no what happened with him wasn't something that could be fixed with a quick, 'I'm sorry.' 

It took her a moment to realize that everyone on the boat was staring at them, including Keefe, who looked like a kicked puppy. They were mostly staring at her, waiting in anticipation for her answer. She didn't look at Keefe, because she knew that if she did she'd just feel really guilty.

She didn't know why she said it. Or anything, but she just did; "Yes."


Fitz got down on one knee and smiled at her. "Sophie Elizabeth Foster, I have known this from the moment I met you," He took out a little black box, and opened it, "Will you go to the movies with me?" 

In the box were two little tickets, movie tickets, she assumed. She smacked his shoulder, "Prick, and yes."

His grin was nothing short of possessive, "What did you think I was going to do?"

"You know very well what I thought you were going to do."

She was honestly glad he didn't propose, she just...she didn't know, just wasn't...that into Fitz. He had been nothing but sweet for the first little while, but after, he was...distant. It was like she was an afterthought in his life.


Sophie's phone rang, and she picked it up. "Hello?"

"It's Fitz."

"Um, hi?"

"I need to cancel the movie tonight."

Shame. She was really looking forward to watching it. "...Oh, no worries." She bullied her voice into sounding cheerful, "It's fine, why the cancel?"

"Oh, nothing."

Weird..."Okay, bye."

Nothing? He cancelled a movie over nothing? Sophie rolled her eyes. Ugh, typical of him, cancelling on her and not even telling her why.


Her friend hardly looked up, "Mhm?"

"Does Fitz seem...different to you?" 

Biana snorted, and paused painting her nails, "He's Fitz. I don't pay much attention to him unless I wanna hear about the scores of the latest Hokey game."

Sophie almost laughed, "Hokey? Did you mean Hockey?"

Biana just waved the question off, "Something like that." She looked at Sophie, and gave her the truth, "He has been a little different lately, but I guess that's from too much school work."

Fair enough. She too had been feeling a bit swamped with schoolwork. Especially now that she had applied to be a tutor. Sophie had been accepted to the tutoring program, she just didn't know who she would be tutoring yet. All she knew is that it would count as extra credit when the year was over.

Whatever, she told herself, probably nothing.

But it wasn't nothing. And she couldn't shake off that feeling.

Because deep down,

Something was not right.

I know it's a short chapter only like, 730 words :( but I figured after last chapter's particularly nasty cliff-hanger you would want another chapter regardless of length. *I tried to not make this cliff-hanger too bad, but who thinks it's Keefe she's tutoring? P.s, it's Keefe she's tutoring like c'mon, this is Sokeefe, that should have been obvious!

TRUST FALL, sokeefe | ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora