Chapter 1

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I'm sitting, just sitting. I don't breathe. How can I breathe when I know they can hear every sound I make, even the slightest one? They, I mean the Aliens, don't have a name. We didn't give them one because it would mean we care about them: the last thing we want is getting to know them. Who would want to? But even if we haven't asked, they told us how they were called: the Matters.

The Matters live on a planet hidden by the other side of the moon. Their planet is covered with evergreen forests, multicolor flowerbed and crystal-clear waters. The landscape is simply breathtaking. At least that is what they say about their world. How can a planet be so magnificent yet its population so monstrous? Don't get me wrong, they are far from being ugly: they are actually the most beautiful people I've ever seen. Yet they are just like us: some are fat, others are slim, short or tall. Physically, they are our exact copy. One thing distinguishes them though, and that thing makes them beautiful. They are one. Let me explain. The Matters share a bond, a powerful bond. So powerful that it enables them to be happy. They are like brothers, they share absolutely everything, and they seem so innocent thanks to that. They are never angry. How? For some reason, the nature around them relieves them of stress. Weird, right?

Then why do we say they are monstrous? First, they are way too beautiful, too perfect. Second, we don't know them and when we, humans, don't know a specie, we tend to call it a monster because we are scared of it. However, the major reason that pushed us into calling them that way is that they take away girls from our home: the Earth.

No, you're not hallucinating. They do take girls. Why? Because many Matters can't find their mate. Just so you know, mate is the abbreviation for soulmate (I know it's super weird I mean who believes in soulmates anyway?) So, they thought that if they can't find their mate it must mean that person is somewhere else. And so, they decided to "visit" our lovely planet Earth. You may wonder: "Why do they take girls only?". The answer is quite simple: there are a lot more boys then girls on their planet. And these few girls always have a mate that is a Matter. Strange isn't it?

I think it's a crappy reason to kidnap us all.

You are probably wondering: "Why is nobody stopping them?" Well, the reason is quite simple: they are way too fast for us.

I am surely mated to one of these monsters otherwise I wouldn't be sitting under the sink of my kitchen. Kitchen where my mom and dad are "happily" eating. They are actually probably as scared and sad as I am but what can they do? They can just hide me and wait for these Matters to go back to their goddamn planet.

I can't wait to go out of my hiding place. Listening to the alarm warning us about their presence, to my mother crying, to the water drops dropping into the sink, all of this is driving me crazy. But the worst is hearing the journalist on the TV announcing the number of suicides. In fact, many girls prefer killing themselves than being mated.

But I made a promise to my parents: if I'm mated and if I go to their planet, I will live no matter what. Hopefully everything will be fine.


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Look forward for the next chapter next week. Each chapter will be released every Tuesday.



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