Chapter 8

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I'm on my way to spend a sleepless night. The letter shook me deeply, much more than I thought. Light snores come from the couch. At least he isn't a loud snorer. One point for him.

What can I do ? He is obviously crazy in love with me. But is he really in love with ME or with the idea of mate ? I can't love him right now. My life is shaken up enough. I've never imagined to meet someone like him. For that matter, I've never had a boyfriend. I'm a hopeless romantic but being touched by someone else disturbs me. When the contact is unexpected, I get icy chills and just the fact of removing the stranger's hands makes me feel better. But if I'm his mate, there shouldn't be any problem right ? My revulsion for contact could even disappear. Who knows ? My mind always imagines what would be the consequences if I let him inside my heart.

I've thought of a couple of things to improve my relationship with him. So firstly, I should answer him and start a conversation to get to know him better. I think I shouldn't force myself. After all love cannot be forced and if it's meant to happen it will happen no matter what I do. Secondly, I must stop thinking about Earth. I have to accept that this part of my life is over and move forward. The past is the past and now a new part of my life begins. Thirdly, I really need to stay in this room. That way I won't meet other people and I'll get used to this new place faster.

Okay let's do this!


Hey guys! We hope you had a good week. We're very happy because it is soon the summer break!! 

As this chapter is very short, we'll be posting another chapter on Thursday. 

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