Chapter 5

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"Where am I ?" was the first thing that crossed my mind when I woke up. I'm now sitting near the small window where the sky appears. I've never seen anything so frightening, powerful, vast and yet so calm, so cold. I perceive the presence of some people standing behind the only door of the room, situated behind my back. I can only hear unclear, muffled sounds. As long as nobody comes in, I'll be fine. A while later, a soft knock on the door drags me out of my amazement. I don't respond. The last thing I want is having to talk to the monster who, should I precise, kidnapped me. He didn't even try to court me, to take me on dates. He just came, took me and POW! I ended up on his ship.

The door opens and with it disappears my boldness. A colossus stands in the opening of the door. His broad shoulders take up all the space of the door. He is like a huge Hulk. With green eyes. Or are they brown? It's hard to say from where I'm standing. But at this very moment, I don't give a damn about his godly looks. My hair sticks up, my body starts to tremble, my hands are totally frozen, impossible to move them. Once more my mind goes blank. Each step he takes makes my skin shiver and I'm preparing for the worst. The silence in the room makes the moment even more intense. In such situations, you suddenly discover that silence can be really loud, almost deafening. I quit observing the situation and the alien and start to slightly move towards the left in order to escape. Soon enough, I find myself blocked by the wall. Its coldness feels like a cold shower. To my dismay, I am now totally trapped.

Seeing my distress, the ape sits down in front of me. As if I am a toddler! He keeps smiling. I think it's the only thing he knows how to do. Don't blame me for being cruel, but apart from one sentence he only smiles. Perhaps he thinks that if he smiles, I'll be less scared. Honestly I find it creepier than reassuring.

"Hey mate! I guess we could say I'm like a predator in front of his prey. But you are just too cute and beautiful to be eaten by me."

What a buffoon... It doesn't make me laugh at all. I guess I could if he wasn't there, so imposing. I could if I wasn't in this situation. It must be the alien's sense of humor.

I try to escape from his stare by looking around. I come across the only mirror of the room. It reflects a wretched girl with puffy red eyes and a reddened nose. It's not a pretty sight. My tears continue to flow abundantly.

The alien tries to reach out for me but I stick even more to the wall. He'll learn the hard way that I'm very hidebound.

He puts his hand up, showing me that he doesn't mean any harm, and declares:

"I'm not here to hurt you. If I wanted to, I would've done it before."

Facing my mutism, he gives up. Or so I thought.

He takes a cushion on the couch, sits squeezing it against him and begins his monologue.

"So. I'm Ael. I'm a boy. No. A man. And an alien to you. I... have always dreamed of meeting you, you know. I dreamed about you for years. Oh don't misunderstand me ! I didn't stalk you. I was just really looking forward to meeting you.

So. You're currently in my room. I hope you like it. If you don't, you can decorate it as you want. And... if... if you want... you can join me for dinner tonight. But only if you want ! I just want you to be safe and happy."

This last sentence puts me into a rage like never before and I yell:

"You took me away from my home and you claim that all you want is for me to be happy ?! You're such a liar ! I don't believe you sweety. How could I love you ? You, a freaking alien !!! You're delusional. If you don't want to bring me home at least leave me alone !!!"

Silently, Ael stands up, sadness and hurt all over his face, and leaves. Locking the door behind him. And leaving me alone with myself.


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