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a/n: the rest of bangtan will start to be introduced next chapter, I promise.


"What happened?" Jeno asked the next day after I'd stormed out from the cell the previous night, not bothering to pause and explain the events that had unfolded.

"Nothing. Gosh that boy is so infuriating!" I moaned, hitting the desk and pulling taut at the roots of my hair. Normally I was a civilised person but now I just felt thoroughly irritated and crabby. I didn't even have the energy to establish a conversation with Jeno whether it was from annoyance at Jungkook or simple fatigue from last nights rendezvous.

"Well I have some good news- not that I think you'll be that pleased by it anymore."

He coughed awkwardly when I glared at him but continued anyway.

"There was a sighting of Test Subject 317 around the Busan area. There was instant deployment; apparently even the Captain joined them but that's not even the best part. Me and Dom have been put on night shift duty for the next week and it wasn't even that hard to convince him to leave and hang out with his girlfriend," by this point, Jeno was rambling as if he was nervous to continue, "and I just thought, that maybe you could talk to Jungkook again."

This made everything more complicated.

If his friend - Test Subject 317 - had been spotted, he deserved to know but, on the other hand, he'd made it very clear that he didn't want help from me.

"Sometimes you have to suffer in order for other people to be happy."

He must be either insane or have a passionate belief that, if he keeps quiet and complacent, his friends will be safe. This recent news proved how wrong he was.

"Fine," I agreed, rubbing my temples already feeling a brewing headache on the horizon. "However, this is the last time. If he disagrees this time, it's over. I'm not willing to help someone who's not grateful for my risks."

Jeno nodded solemnly and I knew that, even though none of us announced it, we were really hoping that tonight would be successful.


I didn't sleep the entire night and by the time two o'clock rolled around, I felt my eyes already begin to close involuntarily. It didn't help that the pounding in my head had worsened as the day had progressed. Grabbing a coffee, I slipped out of my room and into MediHeal Laboratories.

It was normal for scientists to be awake at this time and I felt at ease when I scanned my badge which allowed me to get inside the building. However, when I reached the stairwell towards Level 5, I felt apprehensive. Even though I had done this exact journey last night, it was different now. For all I knew, last night could have been simple luck.

When I made it to Cell 8, Jeno was waiting for me and quickly ushered me into the observation room and scanned the hall to make sure no one saw us. He quietly shut the door and escorted me to the door of the cell. Through the bars, I could see the still figure of Jungkook on the bed curled in a fetal position, his slight breaths causing his chest to rise and fall. I almost smiled; he was so peaceful in this state.

"Thanks for this." I gave Jeno's hand a comforting squeeze and entered the cell pushing the door shut behind me.

Once I was stood in the room, I shuffled awkwardly. I couldn't wait for him to wake up because he could be asleep hours but I also didn't want to be the one to wake him. Deciding to take the short straw, I approached him and placed a hesitant hand on his shoulder and slightly shook him. He stirred and moaned fitfully but remained asleep. I groaned in annoyance and shook him again but to no avail did he wake.

Realising that I was going to have to be more forceful, I moved closer to him and jostled him.

"Jungkook, I swear to God if you don't wake up I'm actually going to shove you off this bed."

With that he let out a huff of annoyance and lazily blinked open one eye so that he could see the intruder of his sleep. When his eyes focused and he realised that I was the person peering over him, he recoiled and scowled at me.

"Before you complain," I said, pointedly, "I actually came here with a reason."

He grumbled but sat up and ran a hair through his messy locks before glancing up and motioning for me to continue.

"Your friend, I can't remember their real name but he went by Test Subject 317 has been spotted. They're out hunting him."


That was his answer- simple but effective in expressing his thoughts. He was obviously upset, the downcast eyes and trembling lip were a dead give-away, but I also knew that he was angry as the clenched fist had made its common reappearance.

"I know you think you're being heroic for being secretive and protecting your friends but, what if they don't want that? If they were smart they'd stay a million miles away from this place, a lot further than Busan. They're staying here for a reason- you."

Even he couldn't deny it but he let out a whimper and bit his lip so hard that it began to bleed, dripping onto his quivering hands.

"Why would they be so stupid?" he mumbled.

"They're not just your friends- they're your family. Families stick together, always. They're not just going to give up on you."

There was prolonged, awkward silence and I thought I'd failed, once again, to gain my trust but, as I was about to leave, he spoke again.

"You better sit down, there's a lot to tell you."

TEST SUBJECT 312 || JJKOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora