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a/n: I feel like I've been gone forever!! it's only been a couple of days but i've been very busy and so unmotivated... sorry :)

how are you all? i hope you're all doing well and staying safe

ALSO, we reached 10k views wthhhhh that's insane!! thank you, thank you, thank you


"Jin, I think she's waking up," a voice spoke distantly as I moaned.

My breath felt as though it had been stolen from my lungs and I tried to inhale as much oxygen as physically possible, panting like a dog. I tried to blink my eyes open but my eyelids felt like lead and I could only squint slightly.

I heard a rustle, like the scraping of a chair on the floor and the click of a door closing. I tried to call out but my throat felt like it was on fire. Probably a result of all that smoke inhalation.

I wheezed and blinked again, trying to rid my blurry vision before digging my fingers into a soft material and pulling myself into a seated position. I wobbled unstably but managed to remain upright.

That was when I got the first look at my surroundings.

I was in some sort of large, ancient looking room with a tall glass roof and stained windows with three beds, mine included, lining the outer wall. If I had to urge a guess, I would bet that this was some sort of home based infirmary and I was their patient.

I groaned in annoyance as I pulled back the silk covers off my legs. When I saw my bare legs, I shrieked and pulled the blanket back over them. Had someone undressed me?

I heard a chuckle from the side of me and I whipped around to see a boy only mere centimetres from my bedside. I must be going delusional if I didn't notice a whole, grown man sat next to me.

"Your clothes were burnt," he laughed, a small smile gracing his face. "I promise I didn't look." He leaned over and handed me a pair of oversized joggers before passing me a cup of water which I downed in mere seconds. When I choked slightly, he leaned forward and patted my back in comfort. I blushed but continued to drink the soothing water as my throat felt like sandpaper. "My name is Kim Seokjin."

My eyes shot open as I looked over at the boy. How hadn't I noticed earlier? This guy matched Jungkook's description to a t. From his strong eyebrows to his plump lips, he was truly a person of perfection. Why were all these boys so godlike in their appearance? They looked as though they had been flawlessly sculpted.

As I stared, baffled at the boy in front of me, I realised something.

"Where's Jungkook?" I jumped up from the bed and teetered precariously from one foot to another. "Is he okay? What happe- OH!" I felt my knees collapse beneath me and I felt my body soar towards the floor. I closed my eyes, prepared for the impact, when an arm wrapped round my torso and pulled me back up to a standing position.

"Woah, maybe you should sit down for a bit." He guided me back down to the bed and I reluctantly followed his lead. My whole world was turning like a spinning top. "I wish I could've healed you more but Hoseok forbid me, unfortunately. He said that I'd make myself ill."

He shook his head as if in disbelief but, now that I looked closely, I could see the dark bags under his eyes and the weary look that transformed his entire face.

"Look, how about we make a deal?" He said fondly. "I'll let you go see Jungkook if you eat something."

My face scrunched up in exasperation but I nodded along; now that he had mentioned it, I was hungry. Taking in a breath, I stood up, slowly this time, and pulled myself up from the bed with the help of the head frame. I was still unsteady on my feet but I could shuffle along without catapulting towards the floor.

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