Chapter 16

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Rich did not follow us. I brought my fingertip up to where pain pulsed in my lip. A dot of blood. Robin had said nothing further, an act I silently thanked him for and it was as I thanked him in my head that John's words about Robin resurfaced.

"When I went to see John, he spoke about you," I teased, waiting to gauge his reaction but as ever, the older man's face remained unreadable. I pressed on. "He said you were always on his side."

His gaze stayed on the ground as we walked on towards Burnley. At first, I thought he wasn't going to comment but then he spoke. "I was his man first and his father's before him. I served them at Middleham in Yorkshire. My lord suggested me to Lord Farthing when a position came up here."

"Did John give you the choice?"

"He did but once I heard the reasons why he wanted me to switch my service to the Farthings, I gladly went. I never stopped serving Sir John Neville."

"He wanted to you watch over Kate."

"Yes. My role became even more important when permission for your betrothal was withdrawn. I would pass notes between the two of you, sneak his gifts into the Manor so that Lord Farthing did not see. However, I failed him. I let her die."

"How could you have known what she was going to do? How could anyone? Only Kate could make that choice, no-one else."

He looked at me with dull-grey eyes. "We are so very glad you returned to us. Even if you do not break the curse, you have afforded us a few more days with our Kate."

As we neared Burnley, the voices of the young floated to us on the breeze.

"Are they Henry's children?" I asked, my eyes settling on two children, the smaller of who raced across the grass after the other.

"Yes. The eldest is Edward and then there is Thomas who is always chasing after his older brother. I am told very much like you and Henry when you were children."

"Edward! Wait for me!

Edward ran across a stretch of grass carrying a brown ball in his hands. The wind whipped his long blonde fringe backwards. His younger and much shorter brother ran several paces behind him.

"Find something else to do Thomas!" Edward snapped stopping before us. "Lady Aunt, please tell my brother to leave me alone and find something else to do. This is my ball and I do not wish to share it!"

Thomas finally caught up to us. Still panting to catch his breath, he bowed low. "Lady Aunt."

It was in Edward that I most saw Henry. Not just in his colouring but also how he could look at someone with such coldness in his harsh features.

"I only want to play with Edward. I mean no harm."

"Well I do not want you to."

Robin excused himself and headed around the back of the house towards the servants' entrance.

I knelt down on the ground and pulled Thomas close. Inwardly, I smiled as I recalled the sibling-like bickering Lorna and I used to do. It would drive Uncle Richard wild. How could he read the newspaper with that level of noise going on?

"Now Edward, why would you not want to share your ball with your brother? A game is much more fun if there are two of you to play."

Edward pulled a face. "I am the eldest and therefore I do not have to share my ball if I do not wish. It is my ball!"

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