Prologue - 1944

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Auschwitz, Poland 1944

Rain pelted down from the skies; mud coated everything. Metal encased the camp; it kept the numbered prisoners inside - each prisoner's left arm bore the number they were now known by. Soldiers, men in uniforms, herded hundreds of people around the camp, passed other prisoners. Parents were separated from their children roughly and quickly. Mothers cried for their children; children screamed for their mothers. Erik in particular wanted his mother so badly. He was barely eight but he was fighting the German soldiers, pushing passed them reaching out for the woman who had always loved him.

Soldiers picked up the eight-year-old boy and tried to carry him away from the metal gates that were now separating the mother and child but the boy's determined grunts and outstretched hand revealed an unforeseen truth. The gate began to creak as a force began to pull at the gate whilst the boy reached out with his anger and fear directly at the metal that kept him from his mother. His hand shook as the metal bent and the soldiers who had lifted him clear off the ground were dragged through the mud closer to the gate, a force pulling the boy and the gate together.

Above the scene in a building, protected from the rain, a man of greed and callous watched on as the boy called for the gate with the metal bending to his will. With a butt of a gun, the boy was knocked unconscious unaware of the gleeful gaze that was upon him from above.

Oxford, England 1944

The night had fallen allowing many to move within the shadows including a young boy. His house was large but he knew every sound that echoed down the walls and this noise was new and unexpected. With a wooden bat in his hand, the twelve-year-old boy crept downstairs and further into his house coming to his kitchen that had the lights on and an older woman standing beside the fridge, her blonde hair perfectly curled at the front and her red dress too formal. The young boy by the name of Charles Xavier knew something was not right.

"Mother, what are you ... I thought you were a burglar" he announced, catching his mother by surprise.

"I didn't mean to scare you, darling. I was just getting a snack. Go back to bed" she said kindly. Charles knew for certain this wasn't his mother. Keeping his mouth shut he waited for this imposter's next words. "What's the matter? Go on, back to bed." Charles' gaze ran around the kitchen with suspicion. What was this person after? Upon seeing his persistent silence, the woman who looked like his mother suddenly bent forward so she was closer to his height and with a smile, he rarely ever saw, made their biggest mistake. "I'll make you a hot chocolate."

"Who are you? And what have you done with my mother?" he asked strongly, his gaze threatening despite his age. The woman stood up in shock but made no attempt to leave. Accessing his power, Charles entered the woman's mind and using his telepathy spoke. "My mother has never set foot in this kitchen in her life." Slowly, Charles began to advance on the woman whose face turned to fear as she heard the boy's voice booming in her head yet noticed his lips were not moving. She slowly began to back away from the boy. "And she certainly never made me hot chocolate unless you count ordering the maid to do it." Charles waited but did not have to long. Quite suddenly his mother began to disappear before his eyes and a much shorter, younger blue girl appeared. She was completely blue from head to toe with bright yellow eyes and short, slicked back red hair. It was amazing to see. Charles had never thought anything like that was possible but right before his eyes a girl had shapeshifted.

"You're not scared of me?" the young girl asked in completely shock. Most people ran upon seeing her transformation, upon seeing her true self and yet Charles had only watched in awe.

"I always believed I couldn't be the only one in the world. The one person who was ... different" Charles admitted with a bright smile on his face. He wasn't alone. Quite suddenly Charles lifted his hand out to the young girl. "Charles Xavier."

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