Chapter One - Groovy Mutation

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The Daffodil, Oxford, 1962

"It's a mutation. It's a very groovy mutation. I've got news for you, Evelyn. You are a mutant."

The words were one's she had heard before but that was not going to stop Evelyn from playing along. With a welcome smile on her face, Evelyn titled her head as she studied the handsome man before her. His blue eyes did not fail to captivate her.

"A gentleman would at least offer to buy me a drink first" Evelyn interrupted, her voice luring the man in as she glided her fingertips over the man's hand that rested upon the bar in front of her. Her eyes did not miss the gold band that ran along his forth finger. Unable to help herself Evelyn gently caressed the cool metal.

"Norman, pint of bitter for me and whiskey for the lady, please" the man called out to the kind barman but he never broke eye contact with Evelyn who was more than enjoying the attention.

"You should not be offended" he started speaking again.

"Oh?" Evelyn replied, lifting her chin showing her interest in his words.

"Mutations are beautiful things. It was mutation that took us from single-celled organisms to being the dominant form of reproductive life on this planet." As he spoke, the man turned his hand beneath her own and began to run his hand up her arm, stepping into her personal space, bringing Evelyn to have to tilt her head further back to keep eye contact with him. "Infinite forms of variation with each generation, all through mutation"

"Is that so" Evelyn purred just as two glasses were placed beside them. Neither one even looked towards the drinks, they were much more concerned with each other. With confidence and practised finesse, the man began to lean forward, his eyes flickering between her slightly parted lips and her eyes - his intentions perfectly clear.

"You do know I have a husband" Evelyn whispered as his lips ghosted against her own. The pair both wore a smirk on their faces as the man's hand finally cupped her cheek whilst her hand grasped his suit jacket.

"Ah, I'm sure he won't mind" the man commented before his lips quickly captured her own. The sensation was so familiar and comforting. Evelyn immediately started kissing the man back, their lips moving perfectly together. Evelyn would never bore from this sensation.

"Why am I always buying my own drink?" The sudden familiar voice pulled the pair apart. Evelyn found herself staring at her husband once again before turning her head towards the owner of the new voice, the owner a person she knew very well. Raven Darkholme, also known as her sister-in-law. Evelyn felt her cheeks redden as she realised that her sister-in-law had caught her flirting with her husband in a very childish manner. He always complained he never got to use his "groovy mutation" line on her and so it occasional happened that he would use it on her in a playful manner but Evelyn was not going to complain since she often got a kiss out of it.

"I'm sorry. One cola" Charles apologised before he gestured to the barman. Evelyn could only chuckle at the complaint whilst Charles made his way behind Evelyn's stool, his hand finding its way to her left hand that he lifted and kissed the back off like always.

"You two are gross. You've been married for years; can you get out of the honeymoon stage already?" Raven complained as she picked up her cola and took a sip of the bubbling liquid.

"Sorry, didn't realise I should be hating my husband at this point" Evelyn replied, twisting her left hand so that it could link with Charles' fingers.

"Please do" Raven emphasised with a sigh as she took the seat in front of the happy couple. "Just so I don't have to see this so much." Raven clearly was happy for Evelyn and Charles; she had encouraged their relationship from the start but that didn't mean she wanted to see it all the time. Especially since she wasn't in one. Evelyn tried to be considerate of Raven's feelings but, on the other hand, Evelyn was happy and she was not going to stop kissing her husband because of it.

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