A Broken Man

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Eldon paced around the parlor, hands behind his back, head spinning and heart wrenching.

The moment Master Nilla crossed the door carrying Tim's unconscious body, his world shrunk to fit the size and form of his fallen companion. Everything disappeared for a minute before he managed to put himself together again. The physician was called and, by nightfall, it was clear that the poison with which Tim had been stung was strong enough to keep him knocked out for the rest of the night and the following day.

Eldon couldn't sleep that night. He struggled and barely stopped himself from going to Tim's room and check on him every five minutes. You've done enough, he kept saying to himself, over and over again. It was like punching himself in the gut, but it was necessary. Tim was hurt because of him, because of his recklessness and his stubbornness.

The truth was, Eldon had overestimated both himself and Tim. It was true that the two of them were different from other people. They were undeniably faster and stronger; they had received training after all. But they were also more resistant. Eldon remembered once when a big stone sculpture from the Second Transmission fell on top of him and one of his Museum friends. The other man died on the scene, yet Eldon, who had received the full weight of the sculpture, barely stayed on the Healhouse for a couple of days before making a full recovery.

Discovering they were both immune to Royder blood had made Eldon more daring, more careless. He had thought the two of them were untouchable, invincible even. He had been wrong and Tim had paid the prize for his stupidity. If it had been himself, Eldon would've been angry but he would've accepted the consequences of his own actions. But it had been Timmy who had suffered and Eldon hated himself for causing him such pain.

Despite everything, he knew Tim would be okay. The old physician had said he would make a full recovery and now Eldon found himself fearing the moment when Tim opened his blue eyes. Would he blame him? Would he be angry? He'd have every right. Eldon wanted him to be angry, yet he knew he wouldn't be. Instead, he would be calm and understanding.

In other words, he would be Tim.

Morning came and Eldon left his room, not daring to face the mirror. He knew how he must've looked like and he really didn't need to see it. A shiver took over his body as he walked past Tim's door, once again stopping himself from going into the room. Tim would still be resting, there was no point in disturbing him. He kept walking, ignoring the urge that kept pulling him back to the room, and made his way to the kitchen.

Master Nilla and Alder were already sitting and Eldon felt another chill as he sat down. He was ready for the big speech Master Nilla would surely give him, about how he'd been an irresponsible idiot and how he could've had Tim killed. Instead, he received nothing but a warm smile from Alder, and a completely indifferent face from Nilla.

"I suppose," Eldon began as he poured some juice into his cup, "that you have some words for me."

Master Nilla smirked. "You suppose wrong. I'm not in the habit of kicking a man when he's already down. One look at you is enough to know just how bad you're having it, Master Eldon. I trust seeing Tim like that is more than enough punishment for you."

"You do look terrible, boy. Did you sleep at all last night?" Alder passed him a plate full of pastries. "Here, have a cake. You'll feel better after you've had one."

Eldon smiled at him in gratitude. "Thank you. Both of you. I..." his voice broke but he made a useless effort to conceal it. "I know I was wrong in acting the way I did."

"Yes. You were." Master Nilla's face was stone-like and Eldon could see she too was struggling to keep her anger in line. "I hope you've learned your lesson. I'm not against you, Master Eldon, I'm here to help you. This won't work if you don't trust my judgement."

A Timely KnightOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora