A Remedy to Cure All Ills

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Arabella stepped out of the cart with an urgent clumsiness. It had been almost four months since she had left the comfort of Ravenport to go deep into the bowels of Leverfort, searching for a way to bring and end to Indigo's grasp on the Royal Family. When she had arrived at Ivoryport, the threat of marriage had been looming large. Her future was set and she was just going through the motions.

The timely death of Raynard, by her own hand no less, had turned her world around. It had all but guaranteed a new road for her. No longer bound by a promise, no longer a candidate to bear the crown. Her mission accomplished, she could seemingly allow herself some brief, precious moments of sweet tranquillity.

As she breathed the cold Ravenportian breeze, sneaking into her own home under the cover of the night, she wondered what the future would hold for her.

"This is a nice home," the Shark said as he helped Shooter Viola out of the cart.

Arabella saw the proud woman resenting the Shark's help but accepting it nonetheless and a shooting smile illuminated her face. Inadvertently, she had learnt to not only accept this weird and seemingly random group of individuals, but actually appreciate it. After all, without them, her fight would have been a longer, messier one.

"How kind of you," Arabella said in an almost mocking tone.

The Shark flashed her a bright smile full of teeth. She almost blushed; she was certain that he was smitten with her, something that, much to her surprise and shame, she found quite flattering. However, she also knew the Captain still did not fully trust her. Bringing him to this meeting was an olive branch, a way for her to prove to him, and the Shooter and the Viscount, that they now had her trust. Because they really did. Her experience in Leverfort had shown her this was battle that could not be won without allies.

As they entered the manor, Arabella was greeted by the familiar scent of cinnamon and vanilla. Alder must have baked the rolls that Arabella loved so much. Her heart instantly melted and her defences lowered.

She was home.

"Ara!" Alder's familiar voice made her turn her gaze towards the sitting room, where the plump and kind man awaited her with open arms. Arabella ran to him, burying her face in his soft and warm frame, just like she did when she was a child.

"Oh Ara, I can't tell you how happy I am. I've been praying every night for your safe return."

His gentle words were melodies that she had sorely missed. She had always depended on Alder for comfort and encouragement. While Master Nilla was all discipline and strength, Alder was soft and reassuring. Arabella knew she was strong and was certain of her own courage. However, she sometimes liked to be protected. It felt nice to have someone praying for her well-being.

"I have missed you too, papa."

She had taken to calling him that somewhere in her teens. She would always remember his face the first time she said those words. He had not cried. Instead, he had beamed widely. His chest had inflated and his face had relaxed. It was as if all concern had left him entirely, leaving just an honest brightness in its place.

Ever since, every time he saw her, his face went to the same place. She dreaded the day when his eyes no longer glimmered at her sight.

"Welcome back, dear."

Arabella's gaze turn to the other side of the room. Standing in between Master Eldon and Don Timothy, Master Nilla smiled at her. It was her same knowing, confident and somewhat distant smile, one Arabella had received numerous times, whenever she successfully dodged a bullet or got up back to her feet after being knocked out. However, this time, there was something else hidden in Master Nilla's features: Affection. Love.

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