- The Dark Portal -

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As Glandledale's buildings whipped by, Olivia blinked in surprise at how much of the damage from the meteor had been repaired. The roads had been cleared. Houses had been rebuilt, albeit a much simpler version of their former selves, and the dead trees and bushes had been hauled away.

On the other hand, the people milling about the roads seemed ragged, unkempt, and tired. Whether it was because of Marcus's portal or because of Vackzilian's monsters, she wasn't sure. Though, if she had to guess, she'd probably say both. Trying to work the fields while fighting off monstrous squirrels had to be exhausting, and now with this new added threat from within...

She looked away from their weary faces glowing in the light of the lampposts and turned towards the giant shield looming ever closer. Towering above the damaged buildings, the greenish-black portal inside the barrier soared dozens of feet high and swirled with shifting black energy.

"If anything looks like an alien portal to another world, that's it," Zaphaniea said, rubbing her arms as goosebumps covered her skin.

"Or the portal to Hell," Rinnia muttered, her pale face glowing bluish-green from the approaching light.

Suddenly, Rex turned a corner and the smell of blood assaulted Olivia's nose. Brown walls rose on either side of them, and shadows danced in the abandoned streets as they entered into the evacuated quarter. Massive, derelict warehouses stood to their left and right like silent sentinels while the sound of scraping claws echoed in the waning night.

"That doesn't look at all friendly," Rex said, emerging from the warehouses and out into the war-torn plaza. Greenlight washed over them in ever-fluctuating patterns as the glow from the dark portal came into full view.

"Youch, I wouldn't want to adopt those kitty cats," Zaphaniea exclaimed, jutting her chin at a swarm of huge, cat-like creatures trapped behind the barrier. Razor-sharp horns protruded from their massive heads, stretched out along the ridge of their backs, and ran all the way to their pointed tails. Furthermore, an inky black mist covered every inch of their skin except for their umber-colored eyes which peered through the dark haze like burning bonfires.

"Good thing Pony isn't here," Alf said with a lopsided grin. "She might actually want to try."

Olivia shuddered as a loud screech rent the air and hissing ensued. The monsters were smashing themselves against the barrier and cramming themselves on top of each other. Those on the bottom were being trampled to death while those on top of the writhing pile stared out at Mr. Havanger's men with hungry eyes. Olivia had always wanted a cat as she grew up in the orphanage, but these would be more likely to eat her than cuddle with her, she thought wrapping her arms around herself.

"Humph," the general grunted. Placing his hand on his belt, he silently counted the warriors spread out around the portal's base. "You wouldn't want to try to tame these accursed beasts, especially after they've been feeding off the shield's energy," he added. "Me and my men could barely fend them off beforehand and now... Well, let's just hope God answers prayers."

Rex skidded to a halt several feet away from the gate and next to the armored men waiting for them by the foot of the barrier.

"I should've let Soul Knight finish Marcus off," Drake muttered eyeing the dozens of hefty, crossbow-like weapons lining the field of engagement. Their sharp noses butted up against the shield, while multi-colored gems glowed at the base of their metal frames.

"Ha," Zaphaniea scoffed, gathering the spiked balls Mr. Havanger had provided around her. "There's no way Alf would've let you," she said, braiding her fiery red hair behind her. "His heart's as soft as a bowl of Jell-O."

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