Chapter 5: Level Of Concern

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The clamorous sound of an alarm stirs the scarlet speedster from his peaceful sleep. He groggily opens his eyes, blinking away the blurriness before he smiles as he sees the sleeping figure next him, bundled up in the blankets. Shes so beautiful, so peaceful, so... Perfect.

He reaches over and turns off the alarm before it can begin ringing again. He carefully removes the covers and gets out of the bed, a smile plastered across his face as last night vividly replays inside of his head. He speeds around the room, getting dressed in a second. As he finishes slipping on his shoes he leans over the bed, placing a kiss on Caitlin's forehead. "You're in love with her aren't you?" He hears 'H.R Wells' say behind him.

He turned, silently walking past him until another figure appeared in front of the door, this time in the form of Eddie Thawne. Barry clenches his fists as the ghost of his past makes a clicking sound with his tongue. "I wouldn't get too attached, you never know what can happen to the loved ones of a hero." The ghost pointed to the bullet wound in his chest. "Like this. This was all for nothing, I just trying to be the hero like you but it doesn't work out for anybody else." Barry simply reaches through the phantom and opens the door, leaving Caitlin's apartment and heading to the police station.

Over an hour later Caitlin awakens, stretching with a yawn before a huge smile stretches across her features. She turns to snuggle with the man she thought was there but is disappointed when she finds an empty bed. She opened her eyes, gazing around the room for Barry before she realized he was gone.

She sat up, taming her hair with a brush from her nightstand before she noticed her phone light was blinking, signaling she had a notification. Caittlin tapped her finger on the notification, opening Barry's message.

Barry: Can I come over tonight? I need to tell you something important.

Caitlin: Of course!

Barry: See you soon. <3

Those three little words sent a line of excitement through Caitlin Snow as she sat in the silence of her bathroom. Caitlin's thoughts ran wild as she bit her lip nervously. What did he want to talk about? Her heart flutters as the memories of last night sweep through her mind like a powerful gust of wind. Her head jerks up at the sound of the door being pounded on, and she stopped chewing on her nail and set her phone down on the nightstand, moving to get dressed.

She smiles as she realizes Barry left button up shirt here, most likely on accident. She loves this shirt because it holds a great memory for her: Barry had rescued her from her darkness while wearing this shirt, and that is just another moment in a long list of why when she fel in love with Barry Allen.

She puts it on, buttoning it up and slipping on a pair of pants before she heads into the living room to answer the door. The thunderous sound of knocking filled the quiet air as clutched the handle, pulling it open to reveal an unsteady man. Her eyes widened as she sees that he has a bomb strapped to his chest. "Mr. Sionis sends his regards."

She moves quickly, bolting into the kitchen of her apartment and throwing her hands up, allowing Frost to create a thick wall of ice so they can be protected. She hears the explosion seconds before it hits her and then it's all black as her apartment begins to crumble around her.


"CAITLIN! FROST!" Barry continued to scream. He couldn't find her. The explosion at her apartment building was horrible and part of building had crumbled while the other half was still standing. There had been multiple other bombs that had gone off simultaneously, and he tried to push the thoughts away that she wasn't okay, that she might be gone.  "CAIT!" Barry frantically turned when he heard a strange noise but he saw the girl the steel land behind him and begin helping him search through the rubble.

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