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y/n frowned looking at her phone screen. it was the nth time she dialled yuuji's number but he still hadn't picked up. 'i'll call him one more time. after this, i'm going over to his place.' y/n thought before dialling the captain's number again.

she took a deep breath and pressed the green button, awaiting her boyfriend's response. little did she know, this would be the last time she dialled the fake blonde's number. to her dismay, the call went straight to voicemail.

she let out a sigh and jumped out of her comfy bed, walking to her closet and grabbing a bra. she peeled off her hoodie and wore the bra, slipping on the grey hoodie once again.

the h/c haired was in black sweatpants that her best friend, daichi had gifted her for her sixteenth birthday.

that was when it all went wrong. yuuji didn't send her a text all day, ignored all her attempts of contacting him and didn't get her a present or card. when she questioned him about it when they were at school the following day, he gave her a three word reply.

"i was busy."

y/n grabbed her phone and placed it in her right pocket, slipping on her white vans shoes and exiting her home. her parents were on a business trip and wouldn't be home for a while so y/n had her huge two story home all to herself. the girl groaned, why did she get into a relationship with yuuji in the first place?

was it because she had blindly accepted his confession in her first year of high school? or was it because she was feeling lonely as her parents were barely around?

y/n muttered a string of curse words while walking to her boyfriend's house, or soon to be ex-boyfriend. she regretted her decision and would've preferred staying home in her comforts of her own bed. she felt bad for leaving her cat, moo, alone at home. y/n finally arrived at her destination.

she walked up to his doorstep and rang the doorbell. after waiting for a while, a familiar face appeared in front of her. it was none other than yuuji's mum, yuki.

"o-oh! hello, yuki-san! i just happened to come here by instinct, sorry. i came here to see yuuji-kun" the third year lied.

yuki had a concerned look on her face. y/n was confused, why was yuki acting so weird? yuki reluctantly let the girl in her home and told her to sit down on the couch. the older woman prepared some tea and sat down with the younger teen.

"i'm sorry, y/n but i'm afraid yuuji has been cheating on you." the blonde woman confessed.

y/n's eyes widened. she finally fit the pieces of the puzzle together. all along, her dear boyfriend was cheating on her? she trusted him with her whole heart and yuki gave her a weak smile. she knew that yuuji's mother was definitely disappointed.

"i'm really sorry. i know that you're feeling very hurt now. i thought yuuji had broken up with you as he hadn't contacted you in so long. you didn't deserve to find out like this." yuki said softly, almost like whisper.

at that point, y/n burst out in tears. what did she do to deserve this? yuki pulled the younger girl into a hug and patted her head gently. although it wasn't her doing, she kept whispering apologies and y/n simply nodded. she finally pulled herself together and managed to look into's yuki's eyes.

'they look just like yuuji's.' y/n thought. she finally snapped out of her thoughts and wiped her tears with the sleeve of her hoodie. yuki let go of y/n and she too, had tears in her eyes.

"c-can i see him?" y/n stammered.

"he's with a girl, but you can. he's in his room. again, i'm sorry, y/n."

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