Masked Affection by Christine Bialczak

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Barbara sat down heavily in her seat. It was like she had turned into a block of lead on the walk from her office to her car. She could barely breathe through the face mask and her glasses were fogging up. Just being aware of the virus was exhausting. She couldn't understand, though, why Jeffrey wouldn't wear the mask and didn't seem to want to follow the guidelines set out by the government. She was afraid he would get sick, and it worried her he would get her sick. She really had to think about how she wanted to pursue their relationship, given his defiance for everyone's safety.

Barbara met Jeffrey at an office shindig at her boss's house. He worked on the floor below her in the publishing company, the floor responsible for sending out payments and collecting money from wholesalers and other retail outlets. She had no interest in the money part of the publishing. She loved reading the works, which is why she became an editor in the first place. With her love of reading, she figured she might as well make money doing the one thing she loved. It paid better than some other positions at Dusk Publishing and that was incentive enough to work her butt off and impress her supervisor.

The night of the party, the threat of rain moved everyone inside Mr. Martin's home. He said he didn't want to put all the food out and set up the music if he was going to have to take it all down in a mad rush when the rain came. Barbara didn't mind at all. The spring weather, with its rainy evenings and cool mornings, brought tons of no-see-ums, enough to make you look like you were crazy; swatting at apparently nothing in front of your face. She was not into bug spray, especially on her face. When Mr. Martin had the party, there was no virus yet, so no one adorned masks or rubber gloves. Everyone sat around laughing and talking, some only inches away from who they were conversing with. Given what the world was going through now, that could have been disastrous if even one person tested positive.

When Barbara arrived at Mr. Martin's house, most of her coworkers were already there. Dan was already half in the bag, flirting with Cindy, who kept trying to inch away from him, only to have him follow her each time. Cindy had a boyfriend and she certainly wasn't the type of girl to date the "party animal" or the guy who was drunk at all the parties. As soon as Barbara walked in, Cindy caught her eye and beckoned her with a pleading look to come save her. Barbara knew what Dan was like and knew Cindy wanted no part of his antics.

About a foot away from Cindy, Jeffrey stood looking out the window onto Mr. Martin's back patio. He was tall and slim, not that good looking, but there was something charming about him. He held himself well and had a very modern wardrobe. Barbara wasn't sure if he was single or not, but he seemed like he would be intellectually stimulating to talk to, based on the conversations she has heard him have with other coworkers prior to this party. She would have to save Cindy, then make her way over to Jeffrey.

Once Cindy was finally away from Dan, Barbara excused herself and told Cindy she had to find out about one of her client's payments. Cindy couldn't care less about work, so she didn't even realize that Barbara has nothing to do with the money paid to authors. It was just her excuse to talk to Jeffrey.

Barbara walked up and stood silently next to Jeffrey, joining him in peering out the window onto the patio and then the lawn. Mr. Martin obviously either had great landscaping skills, or he hired a service because his yard was immaculate and pruned to perfection. Jeffrey cleared his throat. Barbara wasn't sure if he did that to give her a hint that he would rather stand there by himself or if he was truly clearing his throat.

"Hey, Barbara," Jeffrey said.

"Hi, Jeffrey. I wasn't sure if you wanted company over here or not. The rest of the crowd is getting tipsy and loud. Not really my idea of a party at the boss's but..."

"Yeah, I don't do drunk very well."

"So, what do you think about Mr. Martin's manicured yard out there?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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