Chapter Four

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Meanwhile, Zayn had not forgotten about the boy who had saved his life. Although he hadn't seen him, he had fallen in love with his wonderful voice. Zayn would have given his entire kingdom to find him!

Then as he was walking with Max, he saw Harry on the beach.

"Have we met before?" Zayn asked, his heart skipping a beat. But his hopes were soon dashed when he found that Harry could not speak.

He can't be the one. He thought.

Still, the prince felt sorry for Harry, so he brought him to his castle. His servants fed him and gave him pretty clothes to wear.

The next day, the prince took Harry for a coach ride through his kingdom. "He's so lovely," Zayn said to himself.

"If only he was the one I've been searching for!"

The next day, the prince took Harry for a boat ride.

There isn't much time, thought Harry. If he doesn't kiss me soon, I will become Gigi's slave.

Although Harry didn't know it, the prince was falling in love with him and was just about to kiss him.

But Flotsam and Jetsam had been watching them. They tipped the boat over and sent the young couple tumbling into the water before Harry could get his kiss!

Gigi had been watching the couple in her magic bubble. She decided to trick Zayn so Harry would never get his kiss. The witch transformed herself into a beautiful girl.

With Harry's voice locked inside the seashell necklace, Gigi would sound just like Zayn's true love.

The Little Merman ☑️ ZarryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora