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The room was silent. Why wouldn't it be? No one dared to speak, to even utter a word.

No words needed to be spoken either. They knew that everyone else was as confused as they were.

Why would The Government put them all in a room, together? It couldn't possibly be so that they could gossip about what happened in their small rooms - that were much smaller than this room, by the way - 'cause nothing happened there, at all.

This room was different in many ways. It was white. The ceiling, the walls, and the floor, even the door was painted in white. Light shone in from the big windows close to the ceiling, giving everyone a feeling of hope.

Eight chairs were placed in the middle of the room, in a circle. They all sat there, some staring at the floor, some staring at the walls around them and some inspecting the new faces.

The silence became heavier and it felt as if they'd all choke of the thickness in the room.

That was until someone cleared their throat.

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